Chapter 9

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She was there that night.

She saw me with that fucking slut.

I feel horrible.

I stood in front of the door for ages until Summer told me to give her space. I headed back to the party after a few moments by myself on a chair, staring at the guest house.

I look around and notice everyone has either left or helping with the clearing up.

I spot Alpha Jacob and Summer talking to Ruth, but Ruth is about to turn to leave. I can tell Ruth looks hurt. I know she went in before I did as I saw her walk in. I didn't hear anything that he said but the way Hayley was shouting, it wasn't good.

I walk over to them but Ruth stops in her tracks and glares at me. "What the fuck were you playing at?" She says with a snarl.

I can feel Jake in my head, coming forward to see what was happening.

"She's your mate," she says loudly for everyone to hear. "What the hell did you do to her?"

I look back at her, stunned. "I don't know what you are on about," I say, but Ruth is pissed. "Something happened. She doesn't want anything to do with you," she says.

With that, she storms away, leaving me with Alpha Jacob and Summer glaring at me.

"Dude, what the fuck did you do?" Says Alpha Jacob.

I look back and sigh. "Hayley saw me with Carly the night of the prom. She saw us kissing," I said. The next thing I hear is a slap as it hits my face hard. I can feel the burning on my cheek; I look towards the person who did it, Summer. She looks pissed. "You told us that nothing happened," she said loudly. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

She storms past me and leaves us, going straight to the front door.

Alpha Jacob looks at me. "Dude, I need to follow her, but you are in the wrong," he says and turns to walk away.

I'm left alone in the room; I look around and notice that Aunt Jackie was passed out on the sofa, just in her bra and panties. She must have had a good night, at least she didn't cause a sandal this time around, but it's too early to say I might have jinxed that now, thinking about it.

I walk through the house and out the front door. Harrison and Emma are walking hand in hand to Emma's place while Alpha Jacob and Summer are in the car. They look like they are having a heated conversation.

"I will walk home," I say through a mind link to Alpha Jacob, who stops talking to Summer and looks at me through the windscreen.

"Don't do anything stupid," he says. "You have training at about eleven."

After a short moment of talking to Summer, who glares at me through the windscreen, Alpha Jacob drives away.

The walk will do me good.

I walked around the back and noticed the light was on in the guest house.

"We need to see mate," says Jake in my head as he comes close to the surface once again.

I want to see her, but she doesn't want anything to do with me.

I look around and notice that the bathroom window is ajar.

Just one look just to make sure she's ok.

Jake agreed with me. We were just checking on our mate.

I looked around to make sure that no one was around. I head to the bathroom window. I knew the layout of the guest house as I helped her father to make and create it. I knew he wanted to make the guest house for when Hayley came back. I knew she would like a big bath, a massive bed, and also a huge closet.

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