Chapter 41

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It wasn't half an hour after the guards took Ruth to the cells that Alpha Jacob had a mind link through that one of the guards was killed; the other guard and Ruth were gone.

Harrison was checking on the body while everyone else, including all the other's mates, was back in the office watching the monitor.

Thank god Alpha Jacob placed cameras outside the cells too as well as inside.

We watch on the monitor as the guard stabs the other and helps Ruth out of her cuffs, leading her in a different direction. We might not have noticed this if Alpha Jacob didn't change the rota of the guards on the cells three days ago when Agent Matthews was here. She thought there was another mole in our pack, but it looks like there was more than one.

Harvey growls. "THAT BITCH," he shouts, "SHE WAS IN ON THE WHOLE THING!"

Everyone is on edge but we don't know what to believe. There is silence in the room, but tensions are high. Harrison walks in with a grim look on his face. "She is going to die," he says through gritted teeth.

Everyone glares at the monitor, but Jackie looks at Alpha Jacob. "Alpha, can I ask you something this might come across as strange," she says looking back at the monitor.

"What is it, Jackie?" He asks her.

"Well, when your parents were killed, you didn't take over the pack straight away. I was wondering who was looking after the business before you took over," she asks and looks back at him. Alpha Jacob looks at her, puzzled. "Where are you going with this?" He asks her and looks at me.

I'm trying to rack my brain about it as I remember we were told to finish school and then have a year...I growl. "That bitch," I say through gritted teeth.

I turned around and looked at him, everyone walked around the table. "Theo, what is it?" asks Summer. "Do you remember something?"

I growl. "I remember that both Alpha and I were told that we needed to finish school, we could even go to college. We didn't need to rush into the pack life," I said, trying to jog Alpha Jacob's mind.

Alpha Jacob looks blankly at me but suddenly must have remembered something, he growls. "You're right," he says through gritted teeth and looks at the monitor at where he must pause the screen, but he turns to Harvey and Harrison and then to Jackie. "Ruth suggested that we take the time off, and she told me she would help us out. She told us we needed to grieve and come to terms with the deaths of our parents."

Jackie's face goes into a hard line. "Do you have records of the work that was going on back then?" She says, and he nods. "They are in the filing office down the hall. My father never liked computers back then. We only had these put in when I joined, but we always changed them every two years," he says.

She nods and turns to Harvey. "Do you have someone you can call to help me?" She says, and he looks at her puzzled. "What do you mean..." he starts to say but stops and looks between us all, something just clicked, and looks back at Jackie again and smiles, "You think she might have been laundering money as well while she was looking after the business for him, we could look to see if any of the numbers we find stand out like when Shane and Carly did it, I will ask Agent Matthews to come here and help but I will let her know what is happening, maybe she can help us locate where they are now," he says.

We all nod, and with that, he walks out of the office with his phone in his hand.

Jackie looks at me and smiles. "You know when Hayley was a little girl; she was never with Ruth at all, always with her father. He was the one who got her into numbers," she says.

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