Chapter 62

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We were all in the office having a few celebrations to congratulate Alpha Jacob and Summer's news about them expecting their first child, but I noticed Hayley left the room.

I was talking to Harvey and Vivian. I was about to go after her when. "I will go after her. You stay and catch up," says Vivian as she goes through the door.

I look back at Harvey and he is staring at the door where his mate has gone. "You okay, Harv?" I ask, and he turns back to me and smiles. "Yeah, I am," he says and his smile goes wider. "So have you told Hayley that you are taking her away?" he asks.

I shake my head. "I was going to do it this morning, but you mind linked her to come here for breakfast," I said with a scowl.

He chuckles. "Sorry man, I wanted you to tell her in front of us that you were taking her on a vacation," he says.

I can't help but smile.

After everything Hayley has been through over the last few weeks, I wanted to take her somewhere nice, I knew she always wanted to go to Hawaii. So Harvey was looking into a package for us and he came back with an amazing one. We are going to be spending a full week in isolation in a hut on our own. He did ask their boss, Mr. Norris, about his place, but once Harvey mentioned it was for Hayley, he was more than welcome to give it to her.

"Why are you both smiling like Cheshire cats?" says Summer as she walks over to us but looks around the room. "Where did Hayley go?" She asks.

"She needed some air," Harvey says.

She nods but looks at me. "Is she okay?" She asks. "I don't know why, but she seems off today."

I look at her blankly. "No, nothing's wrong," I say. "How does it feel to be pregnant with the future Alpha's baby?"

She smiles. "I love it," she says and turns to Harvey. "How does it feel to be an uncle?" She says to him.

His smile goes even wider. "It's great. Harrison and Emma are going to make wonderful parents," he says, but suddenly his face goes blank.

But when he comes back, he looks at me, slightly worried. "We need to go to the hospital," he says. "Hayley collapsed outside."

Without another word we all left the office in a rush and headed straight to the hospital, which wasn't that far for us to run, but when we got to the hospital steps Nathan was waiting for us, he looked back at me worriedly.

"I was told to wait outside," he says with a worried look on his face. "She was dizzy when she was about to go back in and couldn't steady herself. I had to carry her here, but she passed out before we got inside."

I walked inside, not caring who was in my way.

"Where's Hayley?" I ask a nurse, who I startle. "Jesus, Theo," she says and composes herself, but looks behind me to see everyone staring back at her.

"I will go and check," she says. "Vivian is with her."

The nurse goes off and leaves us there in the corridor by the desk.

I can't help but pace back and forth.

Harvey and Harrison looked at the corridor where the nurse left, as did everyone else, what was taking so long?

Vivian walks out of a room at the bottom of the corridor with the nurse and looks at us all. She tells something to the nurse who now has gone around the corner and Vivian heads to us but stops just in front of me. "She's fine," she says, then looks at me. "Theo, you can go and see her," she says.

I walk away and head to the room where I saw Vivian walking out.

I opened the door and there, laying in a bed looking really pale, was Hayley.

"Hey," she says and sits up slowly. She has a drip on her arm.

I walk over. "Baby," I say. "What's going on?" I ask her.

She pats the bed in front of her for me to sit, which I instantly do. I hold her hand and she looks up at me. "There was something I forgot to mention but with me being hot and my mum," she says and turns to look away; she picks up a piece of paper and hands it to me.

I turn it over, and I am stunned into silence.

"There was a reason why I didn't wake up earlier from the attack," she says and I look at her with tears in my eyes, but I don't say anything. "You see, my body and Raina were protecting me," she says. "My body was making sure it was protecting what was going on inside me. It protected them."

I just stare at her.

She frowns.

"Say something Theo," she says.

I clear my throat. "Hayley," I say, and she places her hand on my face and places her lips on mine. But it was a sweet peck and moved slowly; I looked back at her as her green eyes roamed my face for answers.

"Theo, we are pregnant," she says softly. "We are not having one or two babies. There are three."

You heard right; we are having triplets!

I look at her. "I love you," I say in a whisper.

She looks at me and frowns. "Well, I thought you would be happier to have put pups inside..." she says, but I slam my mouth on hers.

I pull back and look back at her as I lean my head on her forehead. "Baby, I am over the moon," I say. "I just didn't realize that we were..."

Hayley looks at me and smiles. "I had a funny feeling I was, but I wanted to wait till later to take a test to find out. But you were acting strange, and then Summer and Alpha Jacob mentioned their news."

I look at her. "I guess I better tell you then," I say. "I booked us tickets to stay in Hawaii for a week but if you are not..." she shuts me up by placing her finger on my lips to shush me.

I looked at her stunned expression. "Oh, we will be going. I want a break," she says and moves a little closer to me as she wraps her arms around my neck. "I want to go as soon as we can. I won't be able to fit into anything in a couple of weeks," she says.

I smirk. "We leave next week," I say to her and her smile widens. "That will be perfect," she says in a whisper and pulls me to her mouth.

I can't help but kiss her hard and pull her into my lap.

She moves away, panting, and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Baby, I'm so happy right now," she says.

The door bursts open to everyone coming in, "Hayley, what's wrong?" Says a worried Harrison as he looks at both of us.

Hayley moves her head off my shoulder and turns to look at me, then back at them. "Well, it looks like Emma and Summer won't be the only ones pregnant," she says with a smile on her face. "I'm pregnant."

Everyone looks back with shock but soon starts to congratulate us

All the girls start to congratulate Hayley, as do the men, but Harvey looks back at us. "Wow, I'm going to be an uncle to two babies," he says, sounding amused.

I chuckle. "Actually four, we are having triplets," I say, which makes both of her brothers freeze and stare back at me, stunned, but after a few seconds of it sinking in, there was more talking.

Hayley sits back in my lap with her head on my shoulder. "I love you," she says only for me to hear and I can't help but smile widely.

"I love you too, Hayley," I say as I place a kiss on her head as we listen to everyone talk. This has to be the best Christmas day I have ever had in my life.

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