Chapter 7

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It had to be Theo.

He had to be my mate, but I honestly thought Carly was his mate.

Damn, he looked hot.

He looked good and smelt damn hot that even my panties were getting damp just by being that close to him. The muscles he has got are huge, and the open shirt. I could see tattoos on the part of his shoulder and chest.

I shouldn't be thinking about him.

I have someone in my life.

I should be thinking about him.

No one in my family knows about him. I started dating him when I hit rock bottom. I needed someone. No one was around. I needed someone to be there to hold me.

I keep looking at the bar full of drinks; I know Theo still looking at me.

I can't believe Theo Saunders is my mate.

I can't believe he kissed Carly in front of me, yet again.

"He was surprised to see us," says Raina through our mind link.

"He looks so good to eat," she says with a drool forming from the side of her mouth.

"Don't say that, I can't think..." I try to say but she cuts me off with a growl. "Hayls, he is our mate, not that pathetic human. I don't like him. He's too weird."

I ignore her and block her out.

I can't deal with her.

It's going to be hard with Theo around as it is and having my wolf horny isn't going to help me.

I grab another rum and coke. I looked around, and was glad to see that Theo was thankful wasn't around.

I look towards where Aunt Jackie was, and she is now dancing on the table, stripping at Christina Aguilera's Dirty.

Oh Moon Goddess, please send help as I watch her.

All the single male werewolves are wolf-whistling and everyone else is laughing or giving snide remarks.

Aunt Jackie never had a second chance mate hence for all the male attention, but she always said she could never settle for one guy again, even though some of her conquests have been married men.

I walk away just before she takes her shirt off to reveal a purple lace bra; I can tell when I leave the room that the shirt is off, as all the men are cheering loudly.

I head for the back door and open it.

I look around to see a few people outside who are mainly couples.

I head to the guest house but I'm suddenly grabbed by the waist and I know instantly who it is. His scent wraps around me and he pulls me towards the side of the guest house out of sight of everyone.

He moves me so I am against the wall, and he is in front of me.

I look up at him, his brown eyes staring right into mine. He places one hand on my waist and the other on the side of my head.

"Hayley," he says in a husky voice as he sniffs my scent. "Baby, please don't leave me."

I look at him. "Theo please I..." but I am cut off by his finger tracing my bottom lip. He looks at my lips.

Fuck, I'm so turned on by him.

He growls and leans in closer. "Fuck babe, I can smell your arousal for me," he says as he hovers over my lips but moves slowly across my jaw and moves his way down my neck. He plants a kiss, which sends a shiver up my spine.

"Theo, please..." I say, but it comes out as a whimper.

I can feel the smirk on his lips as he hovers over my neck. He's enjoying every minute of this.

"I know you want me, Hayley," he says.

He moves both of his hands to my waist; his scent is engulfing me, which makes me into a trembling mess.

I can feel the circles he is doing on my hips through my dress which is hiking up my dress up higher. "Theo, we can't..." I say in a whisper as he moves his forehead to mine. His breathing is heaving like he is having trouble controlling himself.

"Hayley," he says in a whisper but plants his lips on mine.

My mouth has a mind of its own; I move my mouth with his. His tongue slides into my mouth and we move together. His hands are everywhere; he doesn't even know where to touch me.

He moves his pants down and picks me up; I can't help but wrap my legs around his waist.

I can feel his hardness underneath me and goddess he is huge, he moves my panties to the side and slips his cock at my entrance, and my juices slip out and land on his cock. "Fuck, Hayley, you are ready for me," he says, placing his mouth over mine once again.

With one hard thrust, his cock is inside me, breaking every inch of me. I can't help but moan out loud but he catches it with his mouth. He thrusts up into me while making me lean against the wall. His mouth leaves mine as his hand comes to the top of my dress and pulls down the strap, my breast comes out over the top and he starts to suck and nibble at it, placing fiery kisses over it, sucking as his hand massages it. He thrusts into me deeper, which hits the right spot, and I can't help but moan out.

"Theo... ah...Theo..." I moan out, not caring if anyone can hear me.

He keeps thrusting and plants his lips over mine. His thrusting goes harder and faster into me as my pussy tightens around his cock. Fuck, I am going to come hard all over him.

He keeps pounding restlessly into me, grunting. "Fuck Hayley, you feel so good," he moans out, and he thrusts harder once more as I come undone all around his cock after a few seconds with another thrust, he grunts as his seed fills me as he moans my name out. "Hayley."

We both pant as we come down from the intense orgasm we both had. He kisses me.

But soon realization sets in, oh fuck.

I fucked up.

I climbed down off him as quickly as I could and adjusted myself. What the fuck have I done?

I just cheated.

I just cheated on the person who has been there for me through all the hard times.

I push Theo back, his face looking hurt by my actions, but I don't care. I just ran straight around into the guest house, locking the door behind me.

I can't believe what I just did.

I'm glad that Raina was blocked, as I would have been feeling a lot worse.

I look over to my bed as I can hear a vibrating noise coming from it, my phone.

The screen lights up with the photo of the person I care about, Shane.

I picked it up. "Hey baby, you arrived safely?" he asks.

"Yeah, I arrived about an hour or so ago. Sorry for not phoning you. It has been so busy here," I say as I take in my appearance. I look like a mess and a tramp who just got fucked against a wall. I strip out of my dress and notice the love bites all over my breast.

"Well, I am glad you arrived safely," he says. "Oh, I forgot to mention, the boss wants you to sort out some forms that he has sent over to you. He needs them done as soon as you can."

I stop short, wondering what the hell he was on about. Did he just mention work to me?

But suddenly he sounds like he is in a rush. "I have to go, babe. I will ring you later on," he says and hangs up quickly.

I throw my phone on the bed.

"What have I done?" I say to myself.

"I think you need to tell me what's going on," says a voice. I look towards the door. There stood my mother glaring back at me with a key to the guest house.

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