Chapter 25

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We stayed in each other's arms for a few minutes, holding each other.

I breathe in and can smell Theo's scent. He looks down at me with a small smile. "You ok now?" He asks quietly.

I nod while I look at him.

"I named him Luke," I said quietly, his eyes wide after a few moments of realizing the name I called our son.

A small smile spread across his face. "You named him after my father," he said.

I nod and place my hand in his. "He looked so much like him, I thought it was the right name for him."

Theo stays quiet for a while, just looking at our hands joined together.

I looked at the floor and carried on talking. "After what happened, I went back to my apartment and stayed there for a while. I couldn't get out of bed or go to work. It was worse when I lost both my job and my apartment a few weeks after. Harvey came and made me live with him, but I stayed the same. I was in a very dark place," I said.

"Why didn't you come home?" He says quietly, still looking at our hands linked together.

I look ahead as a tear slides down my face "The week before my dad was killed, He came to Harvey's house and told me that I should move back, he stayed for a few days trying to convince me to leave and I did, I wasn't going to admit that I was planning to," I said. "My dad left to make sure everything was ready. He wanted to surprise my mother and Harrison, but the night before he came to collect me, he was killed."

Theo's hand squeezed my hand but I couldn't look at him. "Harvey got the call from mum telling us about dad, it felt like I was losing our baby all over again but this time it was my dad," I said. "I told Harvey that I didn't want to leave, Harvey managed to pull me out of any dark place I was going before it started, he started making me go to the gym or for a run with him but also he got me a new job."

I wipe the tears away from my cheeks and turn to look at him. "I worked with Harvey's boss for about eight months and then I met..." I say but stop. Theo looked at me. "You dated that human so you could help Harvey and your boss. That was a hell of a brave thing to do, Hayley," he says and leans in to kiss me on the cheek; I can't help but close my eyes as he does it.

When he moves back, I open them and look at him. "I never let him touch me as it felt weird but when I had to be intimate with him, I could only think about you," I said in a whisper.

Theo looks back at me, searching my eyes for unanswered questions. "Talk to me Theo," I say.

His eyes roam my face while his hand is in mine, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles and he sighs. "I only hooked up with Carly when I was drunk. It never meant anything and I was thinking about you all the time. After about a month of you being gone, Alpha Jacob sent me to train in neighboring packs, doing business deals, basically, anything that would get me out of the pack house. I was moping around waiting for you to come back," he says.

His hand comes to my face and wipes the stray tears that escape my eyes away and he looks at me. "I love you, Hayley, always have and always will," he says and moves slowly towards me and places his lips on mine.

The sparks between us ignited but the kiss was slow and steady. He moves away and looks back at me. "You were always mine," he says. "I would never want anyone else."

I lean my head on his shoulder and sniff in his scent. Raina is humming in my head.

After a few moments of just being in each other's arms, Theo pulls away slightly and looks at me. "I think we should let out our wolves for a run. They haven't been for a run together in ages. What do you say?" He says with a smile.

I didn't need to ask Raina as she was jumping around like a looney toon in my head with excitement.

"Raina wants that so much," I say and he smiles. He leans over and kisses my lips once more, but moves quickly.

I got up and looked around, making sure there was no one there, but somehow I felt like there was. No one was around for sure.

Theo starts taking his clothes off and looks over at me. I was only in a t-shirt and panties, which, to be fair, were not mine.

I stripped out of mine and I can feel Theo's gaze on my body. I turned around to look at him; he was biting his bottom lip as he was looking at me.

I smile. "Why do you look like you are going to eat me?" I ask, but he moves quickly to me and places his arms around my waist, pulling me into him.

He leans his head into my neck and sniffs my scent. "You're mine, Hayley," he says with his hot breath on my neck, which sends shivers to the core of my body.

"I will eat you later baby, but I have Jake all drooling from the mouth waiting to chase his gorgeous mate," he says as he plants a kiss on my spot where his mark will go.

My arousal hits me hard, as I can feel his erection against my stomach.

He growls. "Baby, please I would take you right here and now if you want, but Jake needs out," he says in his husky voice.

"I want to see mate now," shouts Raina as she is getting impatient with us. "You can have mate after, I want to sniff my mate," she says in a whine.

I can't help a giggle slip past my mouth at how Raina is acting. Theo moves away slightly and looks at me with a smirk. "Baby, please let the wolves have their fun and I will promise you that I will have you in any form you want," he says.

I look back at him with a smirk. "You better Beta, as I'm yours," I say.

With that, Raina takes over and shifts right in front of him as I'm pushed back inside our mind.

She looks at him, but Theo doesn't take long to shift into his big silver wolf, Jake.

I look at Raina, who is panting at the sight of him, but I can't help but smirk. "Have fun, girl," I say as I put a block up as Raina and Jake start chasing each other.

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