Chapter 61

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I woke up all sore and tangled in sheets. I look over to the sleeping giant who had me pinned in his grip.

I look over to the bedside table and see the time.

It's way too early.

I move slightly, but Theo's grip tightens around me.

We fucked twice more; he had me bent over in every position possible. I didn't even know I was flexible till we did one of them, but fuck, I'm sore.

I need to move. I slowly move his arm away from me. "Baby, please don't move," he says into my shoulder and places a kiss. "Why do you want to move?" He asks in a raspy breath.

"Well, if you really like me to piss on you, I would like to use the bathroom," I say, feeling slightly frustrated.

He chuckles. "All you have to do is ask baby," he says as he places another kiss on my shoulder as he lifts his arm from my waist. He untangles himself from around me and I get up quickly to use the bathroom once I am done. I caught sight of myself, which shocked me.

I was covered in love bites from every possible angle.

But the scar under my ribs was prominent. I sigh.

Theo still kisses each one every time we were intimate with the last time, and he did the same thing again last night.

I look back at myself. I feel slightly off. I feel slightly sick.

Suddenly, "Hey Hayley," says Harvey through a mind link. "You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok I just woke up," I said, shaking my head, trying to shake the sickie feeling away. "What's up?"

Harvey sighs. "Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go to breakfast with your big brothers," he says. "Also, you can bring Theo too," he says with a chuckle.

I can't help but giggle.

I walk back into the bedroom to find Theo leaning on one of his arms, looking at me. "What's funny?" he says, as I can't help the smirk I have on my face. He looks so damn good.

"Nothing Harvey wants to know if we want to go to breakfast with Harrison and him," I say.

He nods and climbs out of bed, walks over to me, and grabs my waist to pull me closer to him "MMMM...what about..." he says but stops and moves back slightly, his face goes blank, someone was mind-linking him.

I can't help but frown. "What's wrong?" I ask him as he looks back at me.

He shakes his head. "Nothing," he says and places a kiss on my mouth. He moves back and slaps my ass. He walks into the bathroom. "Wear something that will cover everything up. I went to town on your skin last night and I don't think your brothers will like what I did to you."

I look back at him, dumbfounded, as he closes the door behind him. That's a first; we normally want to shower together. I shake my head slightly and walk into the closet and pick out a sweater and jeans.

I got dressed in a dress that covered my whole body; I was putting on my boots when Theo walked in with just a towel wrapped around his waist.

"You showered?" I say as I watch him get clothes ready. I can see the smirk on his face.

Last night, after all the lovemaking we did, he placed me in the bath and played with my pussy, but afterward, he cleaned me from head to toe.

He grins. "Well, you wanted the bath last night, and I thought you may not want a shower," he says.

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