Chapter 38

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We drive away. Summer is driving and we turned up the music and sang along to some Christmas carols.

I sat in the back of the car with Vivian, as it was my first time meeting her. "Hey, I am so happy to meet you," she says. "I have wanted to meet you for years."

I look back at her, slightly confused. "What do you mean?"

She looks at me. "Carly was friends with my sister Lucy," she says.

Suddenly, a memory comes into focus; Lucy was one of Carly's minions. She followed her around like a lamb. She never liked me, but I never knew why.

"I was supposed to help her drug Theo that night when you came home, my sister made me think I was helping her with her science project, but I knew it was to do with Carly as I overheard them," she says. "My sister must have thought I was stupid, but I made a sleeping draft, a small one, and gave it to Theo. I explained it all to Theo, Harvey, and my mum."

I smile. "Thank you for that, but why did you want to meet me before that?" I ask, sounding slightly confused, but Emma speaks next. "Hayls, the story of Theo and you were around the school and I even heard it when I came home. I never believed a single thing that everyone was saying about you, as I thought there was something more. I like to know all the facts," she says and Vivian nods with her. "I was a year below you; I always remembered how Carly was with you. I wanted to stick up for you, but my sister made my life hell," she says.

Summer looks at me through the mirror. "Hayl, we all knew the truth. Jacob and I made sure to tell everyone not to believe them, but the rumors came in all shapes and sizes," she says with some annoyance in her voice.

"I am so glad that bitch is dead, though," she says. "Men in our pack can now look elsewhere to have sex and also find their mates."

"What do you mean?" I asked, but we all knew that Carly liked to sleep around, but I never thought that it was that bad.

Summer looks at me. "She caused so many problems; the scandal with the married man that was blamed on Aunt Jackie came from her. She caused all the lies for the scandal and, to be honest, I think she was starting to believe in her own lies too," she says.

Summer pulls up into the town and we all climb out. We headed into the diner and ordered some breakfast while we were waiting for the food to come. "So, Theo and you have mated and marked each other," says Vivian with a smile while Emma and Summer smirk.

I go red slightly. "Yeah," I say, which earns giggles from all three girls.

But remembering what happened last night between Theo and me, I wonder if the girls would know about true mates.

"Actually guys, I want to ask you something," I ask and they all look at me. "What do you guys know about true mates?"

They all look at one another and then turn to me. "Why do you want to know about true mates?" Asks Emma, as the waitress places our order in front of us.

"Raina, do you believe what Jake said to Theo last night about it," I ask her as the waitress places all the surrounding dishes. The girls are looking at me, but they can tell I'm talking to my wolf.

Raina looks back at me. "I think so, I don't know why the moon goddess would come to him and not me as well," she says and cocks her head to the side. When we fell asleep last night, Raina couldn't sleep tidy. She was pacing back and forth in my head. She was trying to rack her brain around what Jake and Theo told us.

"Let's see what the girls say," she says. "We need to know more about true mates."

She's right, I look back at all and once the waitress leaves, I look between the three of them. "Well last night, Jake Theo's wolf told Theo that we were true mates and he knew for a while," I said to them.

Summer looks stunned. "How would Jake know that?" She asks.

"Jake said the Moon goddess came to him and told him something, but I wanted to know more about true mates," I said. "If we are, what the hell does that mean?"

Emma clears her throat. "My mum told me that true mates are connected on another level and know about each other at a young age," she says and smiles at me. "That might explain why Theo and you were drawn to one another back in high school."

"Emma is right, the whole true mates are connected on another level. They can feel everything with a single emotion and even their true desires too, but it can also lead to them feeling pain," says Vivian.

I look back at her. I can feel Raina coming closer. "What do you mean, pain?" I ask her.

She smiles. "I mean, if you go through pain, Theo could feel everything single thing you do," she says.

I look back, worried. "I don't know what to say to that," I say, but Vivian smiles. "I didn't mean anything by it. I mean, you can feel everything he does even from far away, like now," she says. "Try it."

I look back at her, confused. "How am I supposed to know how to do that? I know mates can feel connected through the mate bond. Why would mine be different from everyone else's?" I ask her.

She looks at me and smiles. "Tell us what he is feeling right now," she says, but Summer scrunches up her nose. "Oh god don't tell us," she says, which we all giggle at.

I close my eyes and concentrate. I try to think of Theo. Raina does the same. She closes her eyes and we both can feel Jake and Theo.

Jake is humming a Christmas song which makes Raina giggle, but we can feel Theo. He seems relaxed.

I open my eyes and smile. "Well, he is relaxed for now, but I think Jake humming to a Christmas song will soon get him riled up," I say.

Vivian smiles while Emma and Summer look back at me, stunned. "You can sense his wolf too," Emma asked. I nod.

"That is so cool," says Summer but shakes her head. "I'm glad I don't hear Alpha Jacobs wolf. He gets feisty a lot."

We giggle.

We all start eating and talking about other stuff. Once we finished our food and paid, we left the café and headed to a few shops.

The shops around the nearby town are small, but they have everything we all wanted. I picked up presents for everyone, including my mother, which made Summer happy. I will talk to her soon. I think we needed a break but hopefully with some time apart and she now knows what I went through, she can understand me more or at least start believing in me again.

I am done and we are all heading to the parked car when suddenly the smell of rotten eggs and death fills the area.

We all dropped the bags and growled; we made a circle and looked around. We made sure Vivian was in the middle. She might be a witch, but she was still human.

"Well, well, well," one comes out of the corner, licking his lips at us. More join him. There are at least ten more, or even fifteen.

"What do we have here, boys?" He says looking at us. "Four delicious she-wolves and one is a Luna."

He growls. "Get them," he shouts.

Most of the men shift into wolves and one jumps towards me, but I punch it square in the jaw. I turn on my heel. "Vivian, get in the car," I say to her through gritted teeth. She nods at me. I can feel her fear.

Both Emma and Summer stand their ground. I move forward and shift into Raina as she wants out.

Emma follows suit and protects Summer.

All the rogues come at us, but we manage to hold them off until one grabs Vivian. Her screams fill the car park. I looked over to where they were coming from and ran.

There were three rogues carrying her off. I snarl loud and jump, catching on his back leg. He lets out a growl, but I bite down harder. All three men drop Vivian. She looks at me but Raina growls at her to move, which she does, and heads back to the car. All three surround me but something happens. Someone from behind sticks something into my neck.

Raina tries to fight it. "Wolfs bane," she says faintly as we both are surrounded by my darkness. My eyes begin to droop, but I can see bare feet walking toward me

"Hello princess," someone says, but darkness takes me.

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