Chapter 17

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The walk to the office isn't that far from the apartment and I make it in time; I pull my suitcase along and head inside.

Sophie, the receptionist, looks stunned to see me. "Hayley, I thought you were on holiday for Christmas," she says.

"I was, but I had to come in. Is Mr. Norris in?" I asked.

She nods. "Yeah, he is on a call with your brother," she says.

I smile. "Oh, I know, can you do me a favor and come with me? I'm going to need some help with something," I say. "Also, can you put my suitcase behind your desk?"

She smiles. "Yeah, certainly." She places my suitcase behind the desk and she follows me into the office. Mr. Norris looks at me with anger written all over his face, but it changes as soon as he sees me. "Hayley, I didn't know," he says in a hushed tone, but I shake my head.

I look at Sophie. "Shane and Maxine have been in a relationship behind my back since we got together," I said.

She looks back at me in shock. "Hayley, I'm sorry, what can I do?" She asks.

"Well, keep the two of them busy for a little while until Mr. Norris tells you, you might want to accidentally leave the voice over the whole building too when Mr. Norris plays the recording, it is one hell of a show," I say to her. I know everyone will hear what I went through, but they both will be sent to prison for the crimes they both have committed, I'm sure of it.

She looks at Mr. Norris, who nods at her; she gives me a quick hug and walks out of the room.

"Hayley," says Harvey's voice on the loudspeaker. He sounds pissed off.

"Please tell me you didn't watch that happening," he says.

I look back at Mr. Norris. "I had to watch the whole show, but I have to say I learned a lot," I said.

My Harris looks at me with sympathy written all over his face. "It's okay, Mr. Norris, I'm over it. I was coming back to finish with Shane anyway," I say.

I pull out the documents that Shane sent me to show him and also the memos of the affair, too.

Mr. Norris looks madder now. I asked Harvey what to do and we were about to catch these two horrible bastards.

Mr. Norris's mobile ring is Sophie's. "Mr. Norris, they are back," she says through gritted teeth.

I look back at him.

I smile. "I will stay here if you don't mind," I say to him and he nods. I know Harvey wants me to leave, but I really want to get this over with.

"Sophie, send them in, also have a half hour more for break, everyone can," he says.

She sends them into the office.

I stand next to Mr. Norris.

I have a text come through from Harvey that his phone is on mute, but he can hear everything and that I'm also brave for standing in the room with these two jackasses.

I can't help but smile.

The office door opens to Shane and Maxine, who is smiling when they walk in, but the smiles go as soon as they see me.

"Baby, you're back," Shane says with a hint of shock in his voice. "Why didn't you tell me?"

Just then the recording starts. I look at the pair of bastards and their faces dropped. Maxine looks white and wants to throw up.

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