Chapter 34

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Both Harrison and I walk out of the pack house and head towards the trail in the forest. Many people walk this trail to get to the neighboring houses. It goes on for miles.

We don't say anything, but as soon as we come close to a bench, Harrison sits down and sighs. "Why didn't you tell me about the baby?" He says. "I thought we were closer than that."

I look at my oldest brother. He has been through so much over the years and without everyone else's drama, too.

I sigh and sit next to him. "I would have, but I know what you went through the day I was in labor," I said. Harrison tensed by the side of me. "Harvey told me what you went through," I said. "I didn't want to add to your grief."

Harrison stares out "How much do you know?" He asks as he turns to look at me.

I look at his green eyes. "Only what Harvey told me, which I think is the PG version of what really happened," I said.

Harrison turns and looks down. "The last mission I was on, Dylan and I were told that there was a possibility of a rogue attack up north, so Alpha Jacob sent us to help the pack in question," he says. He never looks at me. "We were there for four days before the rogues attacked the pack, but we were told that they only had a slight problem with the rogues but this attack they had many, over two hundred of them. We fought but Dylan thought he could take the big black wolf but he couldn't..." he says and closes his eyes. "Dylan knew that we had to fight and I get that but have you ever told someone that their son was dead because we were outnumbered."

I get up and kneel in front of Harrison. I made him look at me. "Dylan knew what he was doing. He was trying to stop a threat, you know that. This isn't your fault," I say to him, he looks at me and gives me a weak smile "Like you losing your baby wasn't your fault Hayl, I knew something was up a few days before when I rang dad but then the rogues came," he says as a tear slides down his cheek. I jump into my big brother's arms and I hug him tight.

We both hold each other tight as we both let our tears flow.

Dylan was our cousin, Auntie Jackie's son. She not only lost her mate, but she lost her son, too. We all know she fills the void with booze, but we don't judge. Not everyone does, but with the scandals, she pulled over the years.

I move away and look at my brother. "I was in a dark place for a long time," I said. "I knew you would have gotten me out of it, but I was completely numb throughout the whole thing," I said.

Harrison moves so I can sit next to him. I place my head on his shoulder. "I know I would have gotten back to normal, like the time after the beating Carly gave you," he says.

Carly beat up once and Harrison found me covered in blood. That was when he started to train me in the evenings when our mother was at the pack house.

"I remember," I said. "You had Harvey and Theo help me, too."

He smiles and starts to chuckle. "Yeah, watching you put Harvey and Theo on their arses a few times always made my day." I can't help but giggle.

Suddenly Harrison's face goes blank as he is being mind linked, but once he comes back, his smile is huge and I can't help but smirk. "Let me guess. Emma is home and we can go to see her now," I said.

Harrison frowns. "How...don't answer that," he says, but I can't help but laugh.

We both get up and walk on the trail heading in the direction of Emma's street.

"Dylan died a day before you gave birth," he says and turns to look at me. "When did Harvey tell you?"

"He told me about four days later when I was leaving the hospital but it didn't sink in for a while and I didn't go to the funeral because I couldn't get out of bed," I said feeling guilty.

"Hey, don't feel guilty," Harrison says as he stops me with his hand on my shoulder. "You were going through something, even though at the time none of us ever knew except Harvey," he says.

I smile. "I guess I feel bad," I say and I notice we have walked onto a street not far from our family home.

We walked closer and on the step waiting for us was Emma. She was the gorgeous girl that was with Theo the first night of the party.

When we got closer, Emma smiled at us. "Hayley, it is so nice to finally meet you," she says and pulls me into a hug. I can't help but hug her back.

I pull back and smile. "It is so nice to finally meet you. I've wanted to meet you ever since I noticed the big cheesy grin on this guy's face," I say, which makes Emma burst out laughing while Harrison grunts. "Thanks, Hayls," he says through gritted teeth.

We all walk in; Emma's house is exactly like ours, but smaller.

We make our way over to the kitchen where there are a few nibbles of food to eat. "I thought I would make something," she says.

My stomach growls in agreement with her, which makes us all laugh.

We nibbled on the food and had some drinks.

Harrison looks at me and smiles. "I didn't want to say anything earlier, but you and Theo finally are mates and marked them," he says with a cheesy grin.

I blush. "Yeah, we did. We talked about everything that I went through and I even heard his story too, but after what happened with Mum, it made sense for us to be marked," I said.

Harrison looks at me. "Mum had some nerve not believing you," he says with a growl.

Emma was about to turn and walk away, but I placed my hand on her arm to stop her. "Please don't leave, you can listen," I say to her. She looks at me and smiles. "Harrison told me everything that happened," she says with some sadness there. "Hayley, I am so sorry for everything that happened to you." She places her hand in mine and squeezes it.

I can't help but feel the warmth from her.

"Are you going to talk to mum?" asks Harrison suddenly.

I look at him and smile. "I need some time, but I will talk to her. She is our only parent left and not only that, she can't tell me what to do now," I say.

He chuckles slightly. "Hayl, she never got you to do anything she wanted, you never listened to her," he says, but he looks at me, "I think talk to her before Christmas and we can spend it together as a family with everyone, including all of our mates too."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good..." I say and suddenly realize something. "Crap, I have nothing for Theo or family, no presents," I say out aloud.

Emma looks at me and smiles. "How about we girls go shopping tomorrow? We can ask Vivian to come and also Summer, too."

I smile back at her. "Yeah, that would be awesome."

I mind-linked Summer, and she agreed to come as she wanted to get something for Alpha Jacob too while Emma did the same with Vivian. It will be nice to meet Harvey's mate.

We carry on eating and talking.

I absolutely love Emma.

Suddenly, "baby," says a husky voice through a mind link. "Where are you?"

"I'm at Emma and Harrison's house. Where are you?" I ask.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Emma smirks at me. "I think someone has missed his mate," she says as she goes to open the door.

Harrison laughs as I blush.

Theo walks in and comes around the side of me, placing his hand on my lower back and kissing my cheek, but he leans in towards my neck, sniffing my scent. "I've missed you," he says in a whisper.

"Okay, love birds, don't do anything like that in front of me," says Harrison with a whine which makes everyone else laugh.

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