Chapter 23

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I don't say anything at first, but Raina comes through. "Ask her about the pup, we need to know why," she says with a growl. I can't help but feel all my emotions; I want to know why she did what she did.

"I want to know why you did what you did?" I say with a snarl.

"What do you want to know first? Why did I set you up to take the fall for the funneling of the money or about what I did to you all those years ago," Carly says with the same smirk on her face.

Hayley growls. "I want to know everything," I shout. "Why?"

Carly doesn't say anything, but she smiles.

"Why would you do such a horrible thing?" I scream. "Why would you push me down the stairs and beat me?

Carly still doesn't say anything, but her smile gets wider, which only makes me angry.

"Why would you do that?" I scream, "I was pregnant!"

"You killed my baby," I scream at her. Carly looks at me and starts to laugh. "You are so pathetic, I knew that baby was Theo's. I never wanted him to have that with you. He was supposed to be mine," she says with a snarl. "Kicking you in the stomach was the best solution for that baby. It would have been weak just like its pathetic mother," she says.

I growl, but the tears coming down my face only make her laugh more.

"I actually came to see you in the hospital, I wanted to see my handy work but Harvey was there with your father so I had to bail but you know what," she said moving closer to the cell gate. "I went back home and fucked Theo."

I look at her but Raina comes through and is with me. "YOU PATHETIC HUMAN, YOU THINK WE WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING YOU HAVE JUST SAID HE IS OUR MATE," Raina growls "I WILL KILL YOU."

Carly takes a step back, stunned that my wolf has come forward and is with me. "How the hell can you do that?" She says in a whisper, looking slightly stunned at me.

I smirk as Raina goes back slightly, but stays close. "You honestly think I ever listened to my mother," I tell her, while she cocks her head to the side to look at me. "Oh, I know more than you ever know, especially when I was invisible when it came to her. She never treated me like her daughter but also I had help from a few people who cared about me," I said, watching her.

She looks at me and smirks. "Well, you would have been set to prison if that stupid mat...I mean human didn't mess it up," she says.

I look at her, and both Raina and I look at her and the realization sets in about Shane.

I walk closer to the cell gate. "Shane was your mate, wasn't he?" I asked her.

She growls. "The Moon Goddess paired me with a pathetic human. I didn't want him but he was so keen on you, I thought I would trade in for a better model and you could have mine," she says. "He didn't like the fact that you never slept with him and, to be honest, I was surprised that you didn't," she says.

"Well, not everyone opens their legs to every male man they find just so she can find one that's better. We have mates for a reason," I say with a snarl.

She moves faster and stretches her arm through the cell gate, but I move quickly away from where I was standing.

"You pathetic bitch," she says. "Why would Theo want you over me? I have so much more to offer him than you."

I look back at her, but she carries on. "You know what I had to do to get in this fucking pack? My mother didn't like her mate, so she rejected him. But when he killed her, he wanted me to do his bidding, and he knew how," she says. "I always sent messages to where to send rogues in or send them after people. They would get killed."

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