Chapter 14

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Alpha Jacob follows me to the study, as we both enter and I close the door.

He turns to look at me. "You were right. Someone is using our company as a fraud. Scam, they have been using fake company names and accounts," he says as he takes a seat in front of the desk. "Why did you not mention to me it was Carly?"

I walked over to go behind my father's desk, but as soon as he mentioned that name, it all fitted well and truly together. I couldn't help but growl.

Alpha Jacob looked at me, stunned. "Harvey, what's going on? Why is Hayley back in Florida?" he asks me.

I sigh. "Mr. Norris is the boss that both Hayley and I work for; he was going down a rabbit hole when we arrived, but Hayley is really good with numbers. She thought he was overspending on stupid investments, but she realized that someone was stealing money from him," I say. Alpha Jacob nods for me to carry on. I lean back in the seat. "Well, I approached a few I knew, an Agent Matthews from the werewolf council to see if she could help us, and she has been working with Hayley and me for the last five months. We found out a guy that I helped bring into the company about eight months ago was doing the whole thing. Well, we needed to come up with a plan, but I found out that he had a thing for Hayley. I asked her to help me, so she started going to coffee with him and dating him. She even moved in with him after a month due to a leak in her apartment she told him," I said looking at him. "It wasn't a romantic relationship as Hayley didn't want one but Shane kept up the appearance with her pretending to be a good boyfriend."

"So he's not her boyfriend, but why did she say to her mother and Theo about this human being her boyfriend?" he asks.

I look at him for a moment and sigh. "She had to keep up the roles as we found out he was working with someone who was not only targeting Mr. Norris but also targeting her," I say. "As for Theo, she had to keep at arm's length which I am assuming hasn't happened," Alpha Jacob nods but I carry on. "And as for my mother you know they never get along, she would have broadcast it in front of everyone and made Hayley commit to her mate."

Alpha Jacob looks at me for a few moments. "Why did you look like you wanted to murder someone when I mentioned Carly's name?"

I open the drawer on the desk and pull out a file I had on someone and hand it to him. "Do you remember Gary Lawson?" I ask, which I know is a stupid question as he is known to many wolves as the rogue king; he killed our father and also killed Alpha Jacob's and Theo's parents too.

Alpha Jacob growls. "Stupid question to ask, Harvey. Why did you bring up that name for me?"

I hand him over the file and he looks at it. I give him a few minutes to read it, but the growl that escapes his lips. "How did you find out all about this?" he says, looking at me.

"Ever since my father passed away and both parents of yours and Theo's, I collected the information, but it is the last page. You will need to read," I say to him.

He flicks over to the last page and reads. I can feel his anger rising. He glares at me. "You didn't tell me this when I asked her to work with me. Why would you let me hire her" he says.

"Well, keeping someone close to who you know what they are is something. Carly is the rogue king's daughter, but he never claimed her as her mother was the pack's slut, as we all know. But we never knew. When she was bleeding one day I collected a sample of her blood and had it analyzed, it came back with a 99% per match to his," I tell him. "Carly has had it out for Hayley since school, she was bullied countless times. She wanted Theo."

Alpha Jacob gets up from the chair and heads to the window to look out. "She was in the office last night when Summer and I left. She opened a document that a company sent me. I only printed it out and left a note to sign it tomorrow," he says. "My father always had a camera in the office especially when he was having meetings so he could judge the other people's faces when he looked back at the footage."

He turns to me "I have been recording everything in the office for the last few weeks as I noticed some account numbers and everything was not adding up, Carly is in charge of all that," he says. "She signed the documents that I left out, she put them in an envelope ready to post, which luckily for me, I went in and took out of the morning's post."

I nod. "What account numbers?" I asked suddenly as I remembered what Hayley showed me. "Can you bring it up on this computer?" I ask him.

He nods and walks over to me. I get out of the chair and move around him while he sits and switches the computer on. "Yeah, why?" he says.

"Hayley found some account numbers that didn't make any sense," I said. "What if the accounts are yours and they are set in a different name?"

He opens the computer up and looks at all the numbers; right in front of me, I could see the numbers. The bitch was setting up Mr. Norris and Hayley, as their names were on the forms.

I grab my phone and dial Agent Matthews. She picks up on the first ring. "Your sister isn't here yet what's..." she says, but I cut her off. "I got something to show you, you by a computer. I have some things you need to see," I said to her.

She tells us her email address and we send everything over from the company website. Alpha Jacob told her everything about Carly and what we learned. We were going back and forth for half an hour until, "Hayley has arrived. She mentioned going to the house to find some more evidence from Shane," she says.

We carry on looking over the footage of Carly when she was on her own and the system to get a clear read of what she has been doing which we found out was for the last seven months.

I have a ping coming from my phone; I looked to see a text message from Hayley.

"I'm going to be sending a recording," she says.

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