Chapter 28

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I lay next to Theo after marking him. His eyes are closed, and he holds me close to him.

I lean up onto my elbow and watch him. "Baby, I can feel your eyes on me and if you keep doing that, I will take you again," he says in a husky voice.

His eyes open slowly and he places a hand on my cheek, slowly moving up and leans closer to me as he places his mouth on mine.

I am completely taken by him but suddenly I can feel a warm feeling inside, which is nice. I move back slowly and look at the man I just marked.

Goddess, I just marked Theo Saunders.

I stare at him. I can feel something that was there within him, but I didn't know what it was. I lay him back down and climb on top of him, but he sits up with my legs over either side of him. I wrap my arms around his neck and stare at him.

"You keep looking like that, I will end up having a hole burned into my skull," he says and smirks. "Really," I say. "I was just trying to figure out what feeling you have right now."

His hands are on my waist, his thumb drawing a circle on my hips as he stares at me with a smile. "Can't you tell," he says and kisses my lips once again.

I can feel this length beneath me grow as he deepens the kiss; I can't help but let a moan slip out.

He pauses and pulls back, placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. "You are so beautiful, baby," he says with a smile.

"Mate loves us," says Raina suddenly.

"What? What do you mean, love us?" I ask her.

She looks at me with a stupid grin on her face. "He loves us, human mate loves you," she says.

I look back at Theo, who is staring at me with a smirk. "What did Raina say?" He asks.

I blush. "She said us," I say in a stuttering mess.

He looks at me and smiles, "Hayley, I've loved you ever since the first moment I laid my eyes on you in that weird costume you wore to school," he says, I cringe slightly which makes him chuckle and he places his mouth near mine. "I love you for the last seven years, the two years we were together and the five years we were apart baby," he says and kisses my lips. "I had you on my mind all the time. I wanted you in my life and with me constantly, making me the happiest man alive," he says and kisses the corner of my mouth. "I loved you when you drank Aunt Jackie's famous cocktail and were so ill that you let me look after you even though you vomited all over my shoes," he says, moves his lips to my neck, and places kisses.

I am so turned on now it is hard to concentrate. "Theo, I think we should..." I start to say, but he sucking on the spot on my neck and I can't help but moan.

I can feel his hot breath on my neck. "Baby, please stop me or I will take you again but we need to leave. There are a few people who need to talk to you and I'm going to need to take a cold shower," he says and moves away to look at me.

My cheeks are flushed but I look at the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I smile. "I was about to say that," I say, but I look over my shoulder toward the way we have to go.

I know he can feel that I'm hesitant about going back. "Hayley, it's going to be okay," he says and places a kiss on my neck. I close my eyes and wish we could stay here longer.

"What are you worried about, baby?" he asks.

I turn to look at him and sigh "I never told Harrison about what happened as he would have made me come back home but Mum..." I said stopping for a moment and sighing again "Mum and me never so eye to eye, you know that. She believed everyone more than she believed me and never understood this whole relationship with us. But I don't think she will believe me," I said.

Suddenly Theo growls. I couldn't help but look at him, but he looked pissed. "Hayley, I know what your mum was like, she never liked me and you being together but when you were away, she made it her mission to find out what was my true feelings towards you," he says and his face softens. "I told her that I thought you were my mate and she believed me. She called you to come back so we could find out if you were."

I look back at him. There must have been a catch; I look back at him but don't say anything, and I don't want to ruin what we just did or the things we just talked about by questioning him. I can feel he is being truthful about everything he just told me; the connection between us is strong.

I move slowly off him and we both get up. Theo holds my hand and looks down at me. "Hayley, I will stay with you if you want when you talk to her," he says and looks around. He grabs his trousers and puts them back on and hands me his boxers and top to cover myself up. I looked around on the floor as Raina and Jake came back here when we shifted to make sure we were near our clothes. I can see the t-shirt which I picked up, but Theo growls. "You wear mine, leave that one," he says while still holding my hand.

"I know that, but I had panties here. They aren't here now," I said.

Theo shrugs. "Maybe they shredded when you shifted even though I can't remember if you were wearing any, as I was too busy looking at your naked body," he says in a husky voice.

I scrunch my nose up. "Really," I say. "Never mind, let's get going."

Theo walks with me, holding my hand and we head towards the clearing nearing my house, but as we get closer, we can hear shouting coming from the house.

As we get closer to the house, I can see Harrison and Harvey shouting, but it's my mum in the middle of them. She was trying to pull them apart.

"Why didn't you tell me?" shouts Harrison. "I would have helped her."

"She made me promise," says Harvey, who is trying to get out of my mother's grip.

All of a sudden my mother growls loudly. "RIGHT THAT IS ENOUGH, GET IN THE HOUSE," she says and looks between the both of them.


I can feel the anger burning inside me. She is doing it again.

"WHY WOULD I LIE?" I shout.

All three of them look towards me, my mother stunned into silence, looking between Theo and me but she smiles. "You marked him," she says. "Finally"

I growl loud. "I think we should have a family meeting, don't you? Theo is staying and if the boys want their mates here too, that will be fine, but I want to clear a lot up and especially between us, mother."

She looks taken aback at what I said, but she scowls at me. "Don't talk to me..." she says, but I cut her off as I use my speed to get into her space. "I will talk to you how I like. We need to talk, and I mean talk," I say through gritted teeth.

My mother looks startled but stares back at me. She turns around and heads into the house, muttering under her breath.

I turn to look between my brothers. "We all need to talk. Theo is staying, but I will tell you everything you need to know but Harrison. I mean this as nicely as I possibly can. If you go and hurt Harvey, I will personally hurt you myself," I say.

Harrison looks at me and growls, but doesn't say anything back. He storms off and heads back into the house.

I look toward Harvey but he looks back at me with an odd look on his face. "Hayley why would..." he starts to say but Theo comes to his side with his hand on his shoulder. "I think it is about time Hayley told your mother everything and I mean everything that she has done over the years and what's happened, too. She needs this and I think you all do," he says.

Harvey looks between the both of us and smiles. "Okay, I know she does but Hayley there is one thing that I need to do as well," he says. "But you go first, Harrison is annoyed that you didn't tell him but we know why you didn't," he says and looks at Theo and smirks. "So you let her mark you huh?" he says.

Theo chuckles, "Yeah, I want her to trust me. She needs to know how I really feel about her," he says.

All three of us look towards the door. I sigh. "Well, let's get this over with," I say as we all head into the house.

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