Chapter 18

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It has been a full day without any word from Hayley.

Everyone is on edge. Ruth wanted to cancel the party till Hayley came back, but Aunt Jackie and some of the others told her that it will do her good to keep busy and that Hayley would be back soon.

Alpha Jacob and Harvey have been hauled up in Hayley's father's office most of the day. There have been some growls and snarls coming from inside. No one was allowed in there, not even Ruth or Summer. Whoever comes to the door, would receive a snarl from Harvey or a blank expression from Alpha Jacob.

"I wonder what is taking them so long," says Emma. She has been sitting with me at the counter staring at the office door. I don't say anything. "This is so frustrating for everyone. We need to know what is going on."

I agree, we all need to know what's going on.

I look up to see Harrison coming in with a few beers, and he places them down on the counter. I grab one and so does Emma.

Harrison sighs. "Whatever it is they are doing in there, we need to know. If it concerns Hayley, we all need to know so we can help her," he says with a grim look on his face.

Suddenly there is a loud crashing noise coming through the door and yelling.

Harrison and I jumped up. We start towards the door, but the door opens to a pissed-off Harvey. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HERE!" he yells at us.

"Fuck bro, we want to know...." Harrison starts but Harvey growls "You both don't want to know about this," he says.

Alpha Jacob comes to his side and places his hand on his shoulder. "You better go in and listen to the rest, I will get us some drinks," he says.

Harvey glares at us but turns around and heads back into the office, slamming the door.

Alpha Jacob sighs and looks back at both of us. "Hayley is fine. We are just trying to sort out something that is happening back at home. Once it is done, we can let you know more," he says and heads into the kitchen.

"That's not good enough," shouts Harrison. "She is my baby sister. I need to know."

I follow suit. "I'm her mate. I need to know, too."

Alpha Jacob stops short and turns around, glaring at both of us. "This is not my story to tell, and I'm helping a friend out. I won't go back to my word. She doesn't want anyone else helping. She was reluctant to have my help," he says and he walks over to the fridge and grabs two beers. He stops next to us. "I will tell you both. She is okay, I would never lie to either of you when it comes to Hayley, you know that."

With that, he walks back towards the office and heads inside, slamming the door behind him.

"This is bullshit," says Harrison. Emma places her arm on his and tries to calm him down. She pulls him away and heads outside for some peace.

I look around. Everyone is having a good time; I can't get into the party spirit. I want Hayley.

"Penny for them," says a very drunk voice behind me; I close my eyes and sigh. "Hey Jackie," I say.

I turn to face her. She is leaning against the bar, pouring three shots of whiskey. "I might be drunk but I can listen. You never know, you may put the world to right," she says, slurring the last part.

"It's okay, I'm going to get another drink," I say as I go behind the bar and grab a beer.

I take the cap off and take a long swig.

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