Chapter 53

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I have been in the hospital for an extra three days of rest and the doctor has finally given the word that I will be going home today.

Vivian came back later that night when Theo went to get some food for us. The test came back inclusive of everything and she couldn't find any reason to make my blood so rare. As for the pregnancy test, we are going to try in a week. She seems to think I might be early days.

I get up out of bed slowly with the help of Theo, and I walk into the bathroom.

Once I was inside, I slipped the gown I was wearing off and stared back at my body. The bathroom has a long full-length mirror on the door. When I shut it, as I wanted privacy to see what the scars were like once again, I only saw them once with Vivian as I point blank refused to look at them again, but I need to get changed. Theo wasn't too happy about me shutting the door on him, but he understood that I needed to deal with it on my own at first.

I look back at the full-length mirror and stare.

There are six mega scars on several parts of my body. Vivian explained the poison that was used; I can't believe my own mother would use that type of thing on her own child. I trace over the thick scar under my breast. It was thick and wide.

There were two on each side of my legs, one above my breast, one on the other side underneath each of my breasts too, and the last one was on my arm.

I look back at my body; this is the result of a revengeful woman who never wanted her child.

"Hayley," Theo calls out, "Can I come in?" He asks as he opens the door. I stare at the mirror, not looking at him as he enters the bathroom. He closes the door and stands by the side of me. "Why would she do this?" I ask in a whisper.

A tear slides down my face and Theo places his arms around me, pulling me into him, turning me around to look at him, and he hugs me as I rest my head on his chest.

After a few moments, he moves me so I am back in front of the mirror, looking back in the mirror again as he stands behind me. One hand stays on my waist while the other one hovers over each scar. "Hayley, I don't know the answer, but I don't care," he says as he places a finger over the one under my breast. It sends a shiver through me as the mate bond works.

I can feel Raina close by, staring at the reflection of us.

Her anger throughout the whole day since we woke up has been high, but she hasn't said much as I think she is trying to understand what is going on too, but she has been comforting me as a mother would a child.

Theo leans into me and moves his head to the crook of my neck and sniffs in my scent and places a kiss on my neck. "These," he says as he traces over each scar slowly, making sure I watch what he is doing. His eyes look back at me as well. "They will not define you, they will make you stronger and I have to say, mate, they make you look even sexier too," he says in a raspy voice.

I can feel his erection poking me in my back.

I look at his brown eyes; I start to feel wetness forming in my core.

He places a kiss on my neck once more. "Baby," he says. "Try to calm down or I will take you right here," he says as his finger moves over my nipple and he places it in between his thumb and finger, making it go hard.

I can help the slight moan that leaves my lips.

Theo smirks. "You like that," he says as he places another kiss on my neck. "Baby, I can smell your arousal and I want to, but we need to get you home," he says and moves away.

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