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Crowley had been tired lately, he had been late for lunch with his angel several times and the angel was starting to worry.

Crowley was sitting in his flat writing a letter to his Angel because he knew what was coming, he knew it would be a long time before they saw each other again.

Dear Aziraphale

I know I'm being a jerk telling you this is in a letter but I don't have the time to tell you in person. Being half snake I must hibernate during winter, so its going to be a while before you see me again. I knew you would come and check on me when I missed our next lunch and for that I am sorry. I never meant to just disappear on you. I will see you again sometime at the end on January and I hope you're not too mad at me for just up and leaving you like this. This also means we won't get to spend Christmas together like we planned, I'm sorry, I should've told you that we couldn't celebrate it. I guess I was too ashamed to tell you and I'm sorry.

I hope you can forgive me


P.S can you look after my plants?

Crowley folded up the letter and wrote Aziraphale's name on the front and left it on the kitchen table for the angel to find when he checked in on the demon.

Crowley turned off his lights and locked his front door, he walked into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. He sat on his bed and took off his shoes. He changed into some pyjama bottoms and took of his t-shirt. He unfurled his wings and lay on his bed, he wrapped his wings around himself and waited for the hibernation sleep to take him.

A few hours later and Crowley was deep into his seasonal sleep when the angel knocked on his front door.

"Crowley, are you in there?" Asked the Angel

When there was no response the Angel miracled himself into the demon's apartment. The Angel had never been into the demon's apartment before so he walked around nervously. He walked into the open plan kitchen/Living room/dinning room. He saw a letter with his name on it on the table, he read it and for some reason had small tears in his eyes.

He made his way through the apartment and found the bedroom. He walked in and saw a mess of black feathers on the bed, He walked over to the bed and moved the large black wing and saw the demon sleeping soundly.

"I do forgive you dear boy" he said moving a stray hair from the demons face. 

He left the room and left the apartment. Over the next two months the Angel visited the apartment everyday, even on Christmas he visited the demon and put a present on his side table, so he could wake up to a nice surprise.

When the end of January came and went, the demon still had not woken up and Aziraphale was getting worried. The next day Aziraphale walked into the apartment to see the demon stretching his wings in the living room.

"You're awake!"

Crowley turned around to see the angel with a huge smile on his face.


Aziraphale walked up to the demon and hugged him. He hadn't seen him in over three months and the angel had missed his best friend.

"I missed you"

Crowley was hesitant but hugged the Angel back.

"I missed you too....so your not made at me?"

Aziraphale pulled away "Of course not...I could never be mad at you"

"But I thought you wanted to do Christmas together?"

"I did, but my friend needed to sleep and that's okay"

"Thank you Angel"

"Did you get my present?"

"Yes I did"

Crowley held up the miniature crystal snake that the Angel had procured for him.

"Thank you"

"Thank you"

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