New Life (1941)

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Crowley was buying some illegal whiskey for a client when he felt his mark tightening.

'Shit angel not now' he thought 

"Thanks mate, keep the change" said Crowley as he took the suitcase of illegal whiskey and put it into the trunk of the Bentley.

Crowley got in the front seat and drove off towards the angel, he parked outside a church? 

'Really angel?'

Crowley psyched himself up before walking into the church, he feet instantly feeling the burning sensation of the consecrated ground.

"What are you doing here?" asked the angel

"Stopping you from getting into trouble"

"Of course, I should've known, these people are working for you"

"No, they're a bunch of half-witted Nazi spies running round London blackmailing and murdering people, I just didn't wanna see you embarrassed" explained Crowley as he hopped from one foot to another as the burns got worse.

"Mr Anthony J Crowley, your fame proceeds you" said one of the men

"The famous Mr Crowley" said the women

"Sorry Anthony?" questioned the angel

"You don't like it?"

"I didn't say that I'll get used to it, what does the J stand for?"

"Um....its...Just a J really"

"Enough whittering kill them both"

"In about a minute a German Bomber will release a bomb that will land right here, if you all run away very very fast you might not die, won't enjoy dying, defiantly won't enjoy won't comes after"

"You expect us to believe that, the bombs tonight will fall on the East end"

"Yes, it would take a last minute demonic intervention to throw them off course yes, you're all wasting your valuable running away time.....and if in thirty seconds a bomb does land here it will take a real miracle for my friend and I to survive it"

"A real miracle" realised Aziraphale as he got ready to perform said miracle.

"Kill them they're very irritating"

Crowley stood and pointed up to the ceiling with both hands, All five of them could hear the whistling of a bomb falling through the air. Seconds later the church exploded and Aziraphale and Crowley stood there amongst the rubble.

Crowley walked up to Aziraphale and hugged him "Don't ever do that again, you hear me?"

Crowley could feel the angels arms wrap around him as he sunk into the hug.

"I shall do my best my dear, thank you that was very kind of you"

"Yeah well, can't lose the only angel keeping me afloat now can I?" smiled Crowley

Crowley grabbed the bag of books from the dead Nazi's hand and walked towards the car "You coming?"

"You saved my books?"

"Little demonic miracle of my own, come on"

Both Crowley and Aziraphale walked towards the car, Crowley put the books in the back seat and got into the drivers seat.

"Little pit stop first then I'll take you home"

"Its been a long time Crowley, How are you?"

"Bit off, but getting there, you?"

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