Lonely Demon

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Aziraphale and Crowley were free and happily living in their cottage in the South Downs. They had become close in recent months and were deeply in love.

Aziraphale had purchased some new books and so every shred of intimacy time had gone out the window and with the angel and demon becoming closer, Crowley had been quite lonely and a little touch-starved.

Crowley came out of the bedroom and walked down the hallway stopping outside the angels study and saw him deeply concentrating on his books and so the demon sighed and kept walking. He knew the angel would be in there for a long time and so Crowley decided to distract himself with some gardening, that of course didn't help for long, when the sun began to go down he went back inside.

Dinner time had rolled around but Aziraphale still had not made an appearance, Crowley had thought to make dinner himself but he couldn't get himself to get off the couch to cook, so he lay there under the familiar tartan blanket until the stars made their appearance. Once the stars were out Crowley left the house and went to the cliffs edge and sat down as he did every night, only this night he was alone.

He looked up at his creations and sighed, he missed the angel terribly but he didn't know how to make him see that and so he stewed in his loneliness and buried his pain. Unknown to the demon he sat out there for the entire night.

The next morning and Aziraphale had left the study to greet the demon in his bed but as he opened the door he saw that his husband wasn't in bed.


Aziraphale checked their bathroom and nothing, he then checked the whole house but could find him that was until he looked out the kitchen window and saw the demon sitting on the edge of the cliff.

"Oh Crowley"

The angel walked out of the house and up to the demon. He sat down next to him and looked at the demon who had red puffy eyes and bags under his eyes.

"Have you been out here all night?"

Crowley nodded "Waited for you" he mumbled

Aziraphale felt an immense wave of guilt flow through him, he had forgotten that his demon needed him, he had been spending all his time with his new books and had abandoned him.

"Oh Crowley, I am so sorry, there are no words to say it better"

Crowley didn't move he was just trying to hold himself together as best he could.
Aziraphale wrapped his arm around the demons shoulder and pulled himself towards himself, Crowley leaned his head on the angels shoulder and let out a content sigh.

"Missed you" he mumbled as he was exhausted.

Aziraphale himself began to cry silently, he tightened his hold on the demon and kissed his head.

"I'm sorry I let it get this bad, I promise it will never happen again"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be making a big deal" said Crowley who pulled away.

"Yes, yes you should, Crowley I swear to you I will never let this happen again and the next time I spend too much time with my books, you have my permission to make me leave them, okay?"

"Angel I can't....."

"Yes you can, you were alone all day yesterday and the better part of the day before as well and to me, that isn't acceptable"

Crowley brought his knees up and hugged them then mumbled "It's okay, you love your books"

"Not more than you"

Crowley looked at the angel, he face as vulnerable as it ever could've been and he practically launched himself at the angel and hugged him as tight as he could. Crowley began to cry into the angels shoulder as he felt everywhere they touched, he had missed this, the closeness between them, it was a little suffocating but in the best way.

The angel could hear the demons stomach rumbling and pulled away to face the demon.

"When was the last time you ate?" He asked as he wiped the demons tears from his cheeks.

Crowley shrugged "Don't remember"

"Come on my dear I'll get something in that stomach, then it's off to bed with you"

"But it's 10 in the morning" said the demon who took the angels hand and stood up.

"Says the demon who didn't sleep all night" said the angel as he led the demon back to the house.

They both sat down to eat together, Crowley once again felt like he wasn't alone, the lonely feeling he had harboured for the last few days had vanished.

Once they had finished they both settled into bed, Crowley lying in his husbands arms and snuggling into him, this was his very own heaven, his little slice of peace as he felt truly loved.

Once they had finished they both settled into bed, Crowley lying in his husbands arms and snuggling into him, this was his very own heaven, his little slice of peace as he felt truly loved

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