Demons get Sick

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Aziraphale was getting worried, Crowley had missed two dinners with the angel. The angel had no idea what he had done to make the demon Ghost him, but by god he was going to find out. 

Aziraphale walked to Crowley's apartment building and walked in and up to the receptionist.

"Hello can I help you?" asked the man

"My friend Anthony Crowley lives in this building, could you tell me his flat number?" asked the angel

The man looked on his computer and looked through the tenants.

"Mr Anthony Crowley lives in Penthouse 1 on the 13th floor" said the man with a smile

"Thank you"

Aziraphale walked over the the elevator and pressed the up button. When the Elevator arrived he walked in and the doors closed, the angel watched as the number above the door went up. The angel got off the elevator on the 13th floor and looked around for the door. He came across a black door with 'P1' on it and he rang the door bell.

"Crowley its me, are you here?"

There was no response from the demon but Aziraphale could hear movement coming from behind the door and so he miracled the door open and walked inside.


Aziraphale heard what he thought was a whine coming from a room through the apartment and so he followed the noise.

He opened the door to what the angel soon realised was the demons bedroom.


A head popped up from underneath the sheets of the bed, a head with a mop of red hair on it.

"Angel?" questioned the demon who erupted into a coughing fit.

"Oh Crowley are you alright?" asked the angel who sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on the demons forehead to check his temperature.

" 'm fine, its just a cold"

"We....We don't get sick my dear"

"Angels don't but demons do"

"I...I didn't know that, that's why you missed dinner"

"I did? Angel I'm sorry I didn't realise" said the demon who sat up and lent against the headboard.

"Its alright My dear, truly, you just focus on getting better. Is there anything you need?"

"Not at the moment but..."

"But what?"

"Its nothing"

"Tell me"

"Can you....Can you stay?"

"Of course I will" Aziraphale sat on the bed next to Crowley as he lay his head on the angels shoulder and quickly fell asleep.

The angel miracled up a book and watched over the sleeping and sick demon as he red his book.

The angel miracled up a book and watched over the sleeping and sick demon as he red his book

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