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Aziraphale was taking a walk through the park when he heard such beautiful music, it wasn't his kind of music as he was quite old fashioned in his tastes but he enjoyed it none the less. He followed the music towards an apple tree that he swore wasn't there the other day and beneath it he saw Crowley.


Crowley looked up and saw Aziraphale standing there looking at him confused.

"Hey angel, what brings you here?"

"I heard music, it was quite beautiful"

"Oh I was just experimenting" said the demon who held up his guitar.

"I didn't know you played"

"Yeah Its just a hobby.....wanna join me?"

"I'd love to" said the angel who sat down next to the demon.

"What's your favourite song?" asked the demon

"I don't have one"

"Alright, I play something I think you'll like"

Crowley began to play Queens 'Good old fashioned lover boy'. The angel closed his eyes and leaned his head on the demons shoulder as he listened to the music. 

Crowley enjoyed the feeling of the angel on his shoulder so much so that he made it the best performance of his life.

There were many musical dates after that Aziraphale loved just sitting with the demon and listening to the music he made and it didn't hurt that it made the demon happy.

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