Angels and Devils

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Crowley had gone on with his life with nothing but his own company. He was too depressed to do anything of consequence and so he spent all his time in his flat. He hadn't been outside in months, why would he? He had no reason to leave, not with the only reason he did have back in heaven.

Crowley was lonely to say the least. He hadn't seen or heard from anyone since that day, the day that's burned in his mind as the worst day of his life.

Crowley was so lonely he even considered going back to hell and re-joining their ranks but he of course talked himself out of it, he had been doing that a lot lately, talking to himself. He didn't have anyone else to talk to and so he started going a little mad. What is it humans say? 'Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness'. Crowley was sure he was going mad but he didn't mind, no one would've cared if he did Except apparently Gabriel?

It was a cold winters day when there was a knock at Crowley's door, he ignored it at first that was until they knocked again and so he walked to his front door and opened it to reveal Gabriel and Beelzebub.

"Hello Crowley" said Bee (Short for Beelzebub)

"What are you doing here?"

"You look like hell" said Gabe

"Thanks" he said sarcastically

Bee and Gabe walked into the apartment as Crowley closed the door behind them and went to sit down at his dinning table with them.

"You need to get him back" said Bee

"He's in heaven and he's happy, why should I interrupt that?"

"You don't.... You don't remember"

"He's been on earth too long" said Gabe to Bee

"What are you two talking about?"

Bee stood up and walked up to Crowley and put their hands on the side of his head and poured his truth directly into his head, the truth of who he is.

"Holly shit!" exclaimed Crowley as he stood up and paced a little.

"See? You have to go to him, he's called a meeting, we heard it over Angel radio" said Gabe

"But how can I be him, he went missing"

"No you just went to earth for too long, but you are him, you are Lucifer" explained Bee

"But we saw him, when Adam refused to start Armageddon"

"That was a defence you set up"

"We don't have time for this, we have to go upstairs"

Bee and Gabe looked at Crowley/Lucifer and saw the fire in his eyes as he walked out of the apartment and to the roof followed by Gabe and Bee.

The all opened their wings and began to fly towards the sky, towards heaven. They broke the barrier and were now in heavens air space. They landed on the cloud and stood before the pearly white gates of heaven which had a line of dead humans waiting to get in.

The humans started whispering about them. Who wouldn't? There were demons in heaven.

Crowley/Lucifer walked towards the gates with Gabriel and Bee in tow, they walked right into heaven and towards the main building which had two angels waiting for them at the front door.

"Welcome Supreme Archangel Aziraphale is expecting you, follow please" said the angel who walked into the building, they of course followed them.

They walked up towards the top, being stared at the entire way by the other angels, they knew who they were and were terrified of them.

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