The Zoo

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Aziraphale had dragged Crowley to the local Zoo, he had wanted to do something new with the demon. They had fallen into a predictable routine and the angel wanted to switch things up. 

They were currently walking through the reptile house when they stopped to look at a large black snake which was napping on a rock in its enclosure.

"Its quite beautiful, don't you think my dear?"

"I suppose"

A few school children entered the reptile house and of course they were not at all polite to the other visitors.

'Hey look a snake' said one of the boys 'Its so gross, I hate snakes'

Crowley heard what the boy had said and felt a pang of pain in his heart.

'Yeah they freak me out, so creepy' said the girl standing beside him 'Especially the eyes'

Crowley didn't know what to do, it seemed Aziraphale hadn't heard what the children had said and was still looking at the snake, as Crowley was beginning to get quite uncomfortable.

"Are you alright my dear? You seem a little pale....well paler than usual"

"I'm fine angel"

"Alright then, lets go" said the angel who didn't believe a single word but the demon didn't seem like he wanted to talk so he dropped the subject to discuss at a later date.

Later that night Crowley had snuck back into the reptile house and stood before the snake that the children were ridiculing.

"I'm sorry about those kids, they were mean"

The snake raised its head to look at the demon who had removed his glasses.

"Yeah I'm like you, different, I never considered myself a freak, I didn't even realise that people don't really like snakes, it never even occurred to me. It is my fault though, you see a long time ago I did something, something bad and so now everyone hates snakes"

"I don't"

Crowley snapped his attention to the voice on his right, the figure came out from the shadows and Crowley saw that it was none other than Aziraphale.

"Angel what are you doing here?"

"I knew something was wrong earlier, what's wrong Crowley? and don't say nothing"

Crowley sighed and said "Some of the kids earlier were saying that snakes are creepy and gross and I guess it got to me, I know it shouldn't have but it did"

Aziraphale put his hand on the demons cheek and kissed the other "Crowley you don't have to hide your feelings from me, I for one love snakes, one in particular"

Crowley sported his confused face.

"You Crowley, you are the snake I love more than anything"

"So you don't think my eyes are creepy and gross?"

"Absolutely not, I love your eyes, simply because they are your eyes, they are as beautiful as the rest of you"

Crowley had tears forming as he looked at the angel.

"Oh my love, no one's ever told you that before, have they?"

Crowley shook his head slightly

Aziraphale hugged the demon as if for dear life and he held him as Crowley began to cry.

"Shhh its alright my dear, there's no shame in crying"

After a few minutes the demon pulled away and wiped his eyes.

"Are you ready to go home my love?"

Crowley looked at the snake behind the glass and smiled a sad smile.

"Yeah, lets go"

"Yeah, lets go"

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