Wings (S)

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Crowley was lying in bed with Aziraphale but Crowley was sleeping whilst the Angel was reading a book. You see Angels did not sleep that was one thing Angels and Demons did not have in common.

Aziraphale kept glancing at Crowley's tattoo, which he could see parts of under Crowley's top. He had a huge snake which looked like it slithered all over his back.

"You're staring Angel" said Crowley into a pillow, he was still half asleep

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"You're staring Angel" said Crowley into a pillow, he was still half asleep.

"Sorry dear, its quite nice"


Crowley fell back asleep and moved in his sleep, when he did his shirt rolled up and Aziraphale could see the scars of where his Angel wings once were. He had never seen such scars before.

The next morning Crowley woke up with a sharp pain in his back.

"Bloody hell!"

"Language dear"

"Why the heaven are my wings out?"

"They popped out while you were sleeping"

Crowley sat up on the edge of the bed, he felt his Angel's hands on his back.

"Why didn't you tell me about these?"

"I didn't want to freak you out"

The Angel ran his hands over the scars that were surrounding where the black wings were protruding from. A shiver ran down the Demon's spine, no one had ever touched them before.

"Does it hurt?"

"No...Maybe a little, I can still feel them burning sometimes"

"Oh Crowley"

"what's done is done"

Aziraphale moved his hands over Crowley's snake tattoo, for some reason he seemed to like it.

Aziraphale could hear slight moans coming from Crowley. He seemed to like what the Angel was doing.

"Feels nice"

"Good...your wings need some love Crowley, when was the last time you cleaned them?"

"Its been a while"

"I could do it, if you like"

"Are you sure?"

"I was never really allowed to participate in cleaning circles in heaven so yes I'm sure"


"No one thought I would do a good job"

Crowley turned around and kissed his Angel "Have at it"

"Sit on the bed"

Aziraphale miracled a bowl of water and some soap, before Aziraphale started Crowley turned around.

"Be careful, with the water I mean"

"I will"

The Angel got to work, he pulled out some wonky feathers and even removed some old blood clots. Then he saw something he didn't think was quite right.

"Are these nails?"


"There are nails in your wings"

"Oh right, just pull them out"

"Why are they here though?"

"Hell used to nail us to walls if we performed angelic miracles, lets just say it took a while for me to get the message"

"That's horrible!"

"That's hell"

Crowley felt the Angel kiss the skin between his wings.

"I'm sorry"

"You don't have to be but thank you"

Aziraphale pulled out the nails whilst Crowley hissed in pain.


"Its alright, I knew it would hurt, they've been in there for millennia"

The Angel got back to work on the demon's wings. After a while the wings were tidy but not clean, Aziraphale could feel Crowley tense when he felt the water. He knew that at any moment the Angel could turn it into Holy Water and kill him. Aziraphale worked delicately but quickly, so there was little chance of hurting his beloved.

"All done"

Crowley turned around and looked into his Angel's eyes. He pushed the Angel onto the bed and started to kiss him, he trailed kisses down his jaw and neck. After a while, lets just say, they started their day off right.

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