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Crowley and Aziraphale were sitting on the bus heading back to London after the whole 'Armageddon that wasn't' thing and they were exhausted and they would soon find out they were not the only ones who were tired.

Unknown to anyone on the bus the driver had fallen asleep at the wheel and the bus was drifting into the middle on the road, a road that a big lorry was driving along. 

Crowley and Aziraphale were happily talking about random stuff when suddenly the world went black.

Crowley woke first, he was lying on top of a window? His first thought was his angel but as he opened his eyes he felt that there was blood in them, he must have been bleeding. He wiped his eyes and began to look around for the angel.

Luckily they were the only two passengers on the bus at the time. Crowley tried to move to look for Aziraphale but he found that his ankle was pinned under a seat and he couldn't move it. He looked around and found that the angel wasn't very far from him, out of his own reach but still.

"Angel... Aziraphale can you hear me?"

There was no response


Still nothing

"AZIRAPHALE!?" shouted Crowley now getting emotional

The angel stirred, he was alive. Thank....someone.

Aziraphale moved to sit up and he looked around. He saw the mess of the bus before he turned around and saw Crowley trying to free his ankle.

"Crowley! Are you alright?"

"My legs pinned but I'm okay, are you?"

"I believe I have what's called a concussion" he stated as he reached up to touch his forehead which was throbbing.

"Well at least we're alive"

"Yes, now lets get you free shall we"

Aziraphale climbed over the debris and over towards Crowley but stopped when his hand touched something gooey and black?

"What is this?" he asked showing his hand to Crowley

"Oh.....thats demon blood, my...blood"

Crowley began to look at himself looking for any kind of wound but found none.

"Don't move darling" said the angel who saw blood running down the wall/window that Crowley was leaning against.


"I think your back is bleeding, just let me...." Aziraphale climbed towards Crowley once again.

He maneuvered his hand around Crowley's waist and felt that his shirt was coated in blood. The angel removed his hand and looked at it, it was now completely black, covered in the demons blood.

"Well thats unfortunate" said Crowley who looked at the angels face, he was worried about the demon.

"Can't you feel anything?"

"No, probably a bad thing"

"Either shock or adrenaline, but it will..."

"Wear off? Its already starting to"

"Oh my dear, I'm going to pull out whatever it is and heal you if thats alright?"

"Go for it angel I trust you"

The angel smiled at the demons words then maneuvered himself to lean next to Crowley on the wall of the bus. He saw that it was a branch of the tree that the bus was leaning against that was impaling Crowley.

"Deep breath love"

Crowley took a deep breath as instructed and the angel removed the tree branch from Crowley's back as the demon screamed in pain.

"There we go it out, now one moment" said the angel as he placed his hand over the wound and began to heal him which caused the demon to scream more. "I'm sorry my dear almost there"

Aziraphale healed the demon and he stopped screaming but the heavy breathing was still there. After a few seconds the demons breathing returned to normal and he looked at the angel.

"Thanks angel"

"Of course my dear now let me look at your head I think you must have hit it during the crash, there's blood running down your face"

The angel placed his hand on the demons cheek and began to examine the wound on his forehead. The demon was looking at the angel with something in his eyes.

"What is it dear?"

"I just....when I woke up I couldn't wake you and I thought that....."

"I was gone, you can't get rid of me that easily dear" smiled the angel

The angel reached up and ran his thumb across the skin near the cut, the demon hissed at the pain.

"Apologies dear"

Crowley smiled before the angel reached up and put his thumb on top of the wound healing it whilst Crowley hummed with pain. The wound glowed white then disappeared before the angel leaned in and kissed the place where the wound once was.

"Thanks angel"

"Of course dear, now lets get your leg free and get out of here"

The seat pinning Crowley was pinned against lot of other debris which Aziraphale had to clear first and so he got to work. But when he moved a piece he saw a hand, a human hand.

"Oh no" Said the angel as he moved the debris on top of the person.

The bus driver was lying on the floor of the bus and was out cold, Aziraphale leaned down and felt for a pulse on her neck. She was not in fact unconscious but dead, Aziraphale leaned down and closed her eyes as they were still open.

"Rest in peace my dear"

The angel got back to work on freeing Crowley's leg now that most of the debris was moved out of the way, he could now move the seat pinning his leg.

Aziraphale assisted Crowley out of the bus and out into the night. Crowley's leg was a little bruised and so he was leaning on the angel for support.

"We should just miracle our self home"

"We can't just leave her here Crowley"

"Someone will come across the bus eventually Angel"

"Crowley" said the angel with a stern look.

"Fine" Crowley snapped his fingers and suddenly there was a bright blue, flashing, light heading towards the bus "There an ambulance, happy now"

"Quite, now to your flat, I do believe that was our destination was it not?"

"It was" and with that Crowley snapped his fingers and they vanished from the accident scene as if they were never there.



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