Demonic Tattoos

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Crowley had moved into the bookshop as per Aziraphale's insistence, since he found out that the demon had been living in his car for months. The angel had given him the spare room in the flat upstairs and so the demon promptly moved in after some hesitance.

Crowley and Aziraphale had been getting along quite well as roommates. They had dinner together every night and had spent a lot of time together whilst the bookshop was closed.

It was late Saturday and Crowley was just getting out of the shower, he was walking through the hallway, dripping wet, on his way back to his room when the angel bumped into him.

"Oh Crowley sorry I didn't see you"

"It's alright angel"

Aziraphale looked at Crowley a little too long staring at his chiselled body but that wasn't the only thing he saw, he saw the tattoos that covered the demons body.

"I didn't know you had tattoos?"

"Yeah well somethings were too important to forget so I made sure I never did"

Aziraphale saw some scripture on the demons stomach in a language that the angel recognised.

"Is that Enochian?"

Crowley looked down at his stomach then back at the angel.

"Yeah the last words that she said to me before...."



"Oh....I didn't think you remembered that"

"One of the only things I do remember"

"Oh well you should get dried off, I'm going to start dinner"

Crowley walked into his room and got dressed, at least the bottom half. He walked into the living room with his t-shirt in his hand.

Aziraphale turned around and stared.

"Are you alright my dear?"

"Yeah my skins a little sensitive today, you don't mind do you?"

"Oh course not, as long as you are comfortable. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not really, just my old scars are itchy but every time I itch it hurts" said the demon who jumped up and sat on the kitchen counter as he watched the angel prepare dinner.

"I don't see any scars" said the angel who was quite confused

"I use miracles to cover them, they're not pretty"

"Ah I see, well would you set the table?"

"Sure" said Crowley as he took two plates and two sets of cutlery out and started to set the table.

"What you wanna drink tonight angel?"

"You choose"

About twenty minutes later dinner was prepared and they sat down to eat together. They made small talk and their usual banter as they ate. After which they cleaned up together, Aziraphale washed as Crowley dried.

"You didn't eat much my dear, is everything alright?"

"I'm fine just....."

Aziraphale finished up and looked at Crowley as he put the dishes away.

"Crowley you know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah angel I know"

"So what's up with you, you seem distant lately"

"Angel I'm fine really I...."

"Don't say you're fine"

Crowley sighed and said "Promise you won't be mad?"

"I promise"

"I guess I just feeling a little cramped, I mean my place was all spread out with lots of space, there's not much space here, thats all"

"I see, you could've told me"

"I know I just felt bad about comparing your home to Hell"


"Yeah thats why I like my open spaces Hell is so cramped, I always felt trapped when I was down there...I'm sorry I didn't mean to be....."

"Crowley Its okay I understand, heaven is too open for me thats why I like the shop to be cosy, I suppose I never even considered it made you uncomfortable"

"It doesn't, I never felt like this before because I always went home after, I just need to get used to staying here"

Aziraphale walked up to him and smiled "Crowley you know this isn't a prison, you can leave when ever you want"

"I know I opened your home to me and I guess It would feel like I'm letting you down"

"Oh Crowley, you're not letting me down, this is your home just as much as mine and if you need to disappear for a few days thats okay, you do what you need to do to feel at home here"

"You really wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not, I know it still surprises you but I do care about you and your feelings" said the angel as he smiled.

Crowley chuckled and said "Yeah I guess there's a few things I need to get used to huh?"



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