The Truth about 1827⚠️⚠️

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Crowley had save the girl from killing herself and now he had to deal with Hell's punishment, the ground beneath him opened up and swallowed him hole. He fell for what seemed like hours before Crowley landed in Lord Beelzebub's office.

"Crowley Crowley Crowley, what, did you think no one was watching?"

"I was hoping"

"HASTUR!" They shouted

Hastur came in with three other demons.

"Punish him"

Two of the three demons which came in with Hastur grabbed Crowley whilst Hastur grinned knowing that he was going to have some fun torturing Crowley. 

The three demons brought Crowley into a small room with nothing but a hook hanging from the ceiling, They cuffed Crowley to the chain and raised it up so he was just hanging there, his feet barely scraping the ground.

"So you save a girl who would have come here for the only act of killing herself" said Hastur who walked over to the table he had miracled up, the table with various weapons and tools to use on Crowley.

"Screw you Hastur!" exclaimed Crowley who got backhanded by Hastur

One of the demons who had walked in with Hastur had walked up to Crowley with a knife and began to cut off his shirt leaving his chest bare. Hastur took the opportunity and picked up a whip and walked behind Crowley.

Hastur cracked the whip before Hitting Crowley with it for the only reason of scaring him, the next time his used the whip it made a huge gash down Crowley's back to which he screamed out in pain.

"That's right Crowley let me hear you scream"


This went on for what felt like hours, Hastur was quite literally hacking away at Crowley physically and Mentally. Hastur finally was about to go for a break when he let in another demon, a demon Crowley knew, he was quite annoying and to the fact that he was very ugly.

"He's all yours"


Hastur left the room leaving Crowley with this new demon, who walked up to him from behind and removed Crowley's trousers. The demon was quite confused until he felt the other Demons member at his entrance and he wasted no time in plunging it into Crowley as he winced at the sudden intrusion and the force of the demon currently taking no prisoners in his assault.

It felt like an eternity before Crowley felt the demon remove himself and he left the room. This routine went on for days, which turned into months which turned into four years.


Crowley was quite broken by this point, his mind had simply shut down after the first few months now it was only his body taking the punishment. Which is why he didn't know that Beelzebub walked into the room with Hastur.

"Take him back to earth"

Two demons picked up the demon, to which Hastur miracled a simple pair of trousers and a simple shirt on, and brought him to the elevator up, they put him on the floor and pressed the earth button. 

The doors shut and the elevator went up to earth with nothing but a broken demon inside. Luckily the elevator appeared on a very specific street. The angel who lived in the bookshop across the road noticed the bright elevator and the body lying on its floor.

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