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Aziraphale and Crowley were lying on a blanket under a tree in St James' park, they were having a picnic. Aziraphale was watching the people go about their daily lives whilst Crowley was lying down with his eyes closed. Minutes later and Crowley had not realised he had fallen asleep and the one thing he didn't want was to have a nightmare in front of Aziraphale because he knew the angel would worry.

The demons nightmare was quite horrid, he was kneeling before the throne of Lucifer himself whilst Satan was showing him all the death and destruction Crowley had caused in his life and that made him realise that the demon was putting the angel in danger simply by being around him.

Aziraphale was lying with his head on Crowley's chest and he could hear the demons heartbeat get faster and faster and so he sat up and tried to wake the sleeping demon.

"Crowley my dear wake up"

 The demon still slept, now he began to shake and the angel tried even harder to wake the demon.

When the demon woke up he shot up and rolled over on the angel and put his arm on the Angel's neck. His snake scales began to emerge from beneath his skin and his fangs protruded.


Crowley stared at Aziraphale for a minute before he realised what he was doing and immediately backed off.

"I...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" he said standing up and using the tree to steady himself.

The angel stood up and walked up to the demon who was now leaning against the tree looking down at his feet trying to calm himself so his snake features would disappear.

"Crowley look at me"

The demon wouldn't dare look at him after what he had just done. Aziraphale put his fingers under the demons chin and made him look at him but the demon looked away.

"Don't please Angel you don't want to see this"

"Crowley please look at me" pleaded the angel

"No, I saw the look in your eyes, you were afraid...of me"

"I was afraid because you startled me, that is all, now please look at me"

Crowley slowly looked up at the angel who saw once again the features of the snake that Crowley possessed. There were patches of black snake scales over the demons face and down his neck. Crowley's canines were also now long and sharp.

"I'm sorry I hurt you Angel" 

"It truly is alright my dear, it must have been some nightmare to elicit that reaction"

Crowley thought back at his nightmare and simply said "Yeah it was"

"Are you quite alright now?" asked the worried angel who placed his hand on the demons cheek.

"I think so" said Crowley who had calmed enough to return to his normal state. His scales and fangs disappeared.

"Lets go home dear" said the angel who clicked his finger and the blanket and basket vanished as if they were never there.

Crowley and Aziraphale began their walk back to the bus stop which was where they would've parted ways.

"Crowley I hate to leave you like this, why don't I stay at your place tonight?"

"I...I don't want to hurt you again Angel" said Crowley who began to walk away but was stopped when the angel appeared in front of him.

"I do not believe you will Crowley, I want to make sure you are alright"

"You never believed I would hurt you before and yet I did, it seems your faith is misplaced Aziraphale" said the Demon who then vanished into thin air.

"Oh my dear boy" said Aziraphale who knew Crowley was in a bad place, he had called the Angel by his name he only ever did that if he was angry or truly desperate.

The Demon walked through his front door and into his living room, he sat down on the sofa and sighed.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone"

"Technically you never said that"

"It was implied" said Crowley who looked up to see the Angel standing in the corner "Look Angel..."

"Crowley I know you are afraid of hurting me, but I know you..."

"No you don't Angel, you have never seen me"

"What do you mean?" asked the angel who was now sitting next to the demon.

"Every time you and I have met or had lunch or been drinking, I have been using so much energy to be exactly so much of me so I don't scare you, You have only ever seen the mild parts of me, you have never seen the bad parts or the truly dark parts and I pray you never do"

"Oh Crowley you don't have to do that, I want to know you, all of you, no matter how dark"

Crowley stood up and walked over to the window, he leaned his arm on the glass and looked over London.

"No Aziraphale you really don't want to"

Aziraphale walked up to Crowley and put his hand on the demons shoulder.

"Crowley I do not care, I have known you for 6000 years and you do not have to be scared of showing me who you are because I...I love you Crowley"

Crowley perked up and looked over his shoulder to the Angel and saw the vulnerability on his face.

"I think I have for a while and I just...."

Crowley had taken the angels face in his hands and kissed him. Once Crowley pulled away he leaned his forehead on the Angels.

"I love you too Angel and I want you to know me but..."

"But what?"

"What if you don't love me once you know me?"

"Oh Crowley that could never happen, I will love you always"

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