Midnight Texas II

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Crowley really had stepped in it now, they had been there less than a day and were already making enemies.

The black knight stood before Crowley and Aziraphale still holding his sword up to the demon. Aziraphale clutched Crowley's arm as he was scared, but not for himself but for Crowley, he feared what the knight might do to him.



"Do you know him?" asked Aziraphale

"I don't think so"

"We need to get him out of here"

The knight lowered his sword, turned around and began to walk away as if he listened to the angels words. When he was just out of town the Midnighters regained their footing. They rushed up to Crowley and Aziraphale, it was quite obvious that they were not happy.

"What the hell?" asked Olivia

"What she said" said Fiji

"I have no idea" stated Crowley

"He had Magic" said Fiji who looked towards where the knight had disappeared.

"Its late, there's nothing we can do now, everyone head home, we can discuss this tomorrow" suggested Joe

Everyone headed home as did Crowley and Aziraphale who had to pull Crowley away as he was still starting where the knight stood. They walked into their house and Crowley slumped onto the couch.

"Are you sure you didn't know him?" asked the angel

"Pretty sure I think I'd remember"

Aziraphale sighed and walked up to the demon from behind the couch and wrapped his arms around the demon and kissed his cheek.

"I'm heading to bed"

"I'll be up soon"

Crowley stayed on the couch for another two hours trying to figure out if he really did know this black knight.

The next morning Aziraphale was up early making breakfast. Crowley emerged from the bedroom when the smell of coffee reached his nose.

"I smell coffee" he said walking into the kitchen to see the angel sitting at the island eating some pancakes he had made.

Aziraphale held up the demons black cup full with coffee. He also noticed that the demon wasn't wearing anything on his top half and his red mop was sticking out in all directions.

"Good morning to you too"

"Sorry rough night" said the demon who jumped up on the counter and began to drink his coffee.

"I noticed, you were tossing and turning"

"Sorry angel"

Both Aziraphale and Crowley stopped eating and drinking when there was a knock at the door. Crowley slid off the counter, coffee still in hand and answered the door.

The Midnighters stood there on the front porch.

"Explain" demanded Olivia as she barged passed Crowley and into the house

The others followed when Crowley nodded them inside. They stood in the living room waiting for an explanation.

"I don't know who he was" stated Crowley

"Neither of us do" said the angel who got up and stood next to his fiancé.

"He pointed his sword at you, you brought him here" said Olivia who was obviously angry

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