Secrets out

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Crowley had been struggling lately. He had what humans call ADHD and no one and I mean no one knew, not even Aziraphale knew and Crowley was determined to keep it that way but of course nothing ever went his way.

Crowley and Aziraphale were in the Bentley driving to the park for a picnic when the drive became too awkward due to the silence and so the angel went looking for some music in the glove compartment. He did not expect to come across a half empty bottle of pills which seemed to be prescribed to Crowley's human persona, Anthony J Crowley.

"What are these for?" he asked the demon

Crowley looked at the angel who sported his concerned face.

"Shit I was looking for those" said the demon who snatched them from the angel and popped two out and put them into his mouth and swallowed them dry.

"What are they for?"

"Nothing really, just forget about it will ya"

"Crowley please, maybe I could help?"

"It's not something you can fix angel, just leave it"

The angel felt like answering back but he didn't want to start a fight with the demon as he had a habit of blowing things way out of proportion.

They settled down on top of the blanket under a lovely tree which provided lots of shade, Crowley watched as the angel began to eat the chocolate strawberries that he had brought. 

"Crowley I know you don't want to talk about it but those pills....should I be worried?"

Crowley sighed and took the bottle out of his jean pocket and placed them before Aziraphale. The angel picked them up and read the label more carefully.

"Dr Montgomery is a phycologist"

"Why are you seeing a phycologist?" asked the angel

"Felt really off one day and I wanted to know why and so I made an impulsive appointment with him and it turns out I've got what humans call ADHD" explained Crowley as he took a sip of his wine.

"Which is?"

"Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, basically I have trouble staying focused on something or controlling my behaviour"

"I see, why didn't you say something I could have helped you"

"Its not a big deal and besides at the time we were trying to stop the end of the world"

"Well if you need anything, please ask"

"I will"

A couple of weeks later and Crowley was in line at the pharmacy trying to refill his pills when the pharmacist told him there was none in stock and he would have to come back in two days and of course Crowley did not take that well, he stormed out and began to walk down the street towards the bookshop.

He walked in and closed the door behind him leaning against it as he stared into space.

"Crowley? Are you alright my dear?"

Crowley hadn't reacted he was spaced out, he wanted to snap out of it, he didn't want to do this in front of the angel.

"Crowley?" said the angel as he placed his hand on the demons shoulder.

Crowley instantly snapped his attention to the angel and smiled a little, but it was more of a pitiful smile.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah just fine why?" he asked a she made his way through the shop and lay down on the sofa that was his and his alone.

Crowley pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again.

"What's wrong my dear and don't say nothing?" asked the angel who sat on the edge of the coffee table before the demon.

"Pharmacy is out of my meds for the next two days"

"Ah I see....What can I do?"

Crowley looked at the angel and realised he was being genuine, he want to help, I mean actually wanted to help.

"Um well, could you give me something to do and make sure I stay focused on it?"

"I do have some old jigsaws that I've never even opened, there's about twelve, should keep you busy for a good while"

"Thanks Angel"

"I do have some work to do but I'll keep an eye, make sure you stay focused"

"Thanks, I didn't mean to dump this on you"

"Your not, like I said I'm happy to help, you just have to ask"

Crowley spent the next two days doing puzzles the angel gave him and eventually he went back to the pharmacy to get his pills which he did but of course he always went back to the bookshop if he was out or just needed something to do, which the angel appreciated, he was happy that he could help his friend and that he felt safe enough to let his guard down around him.



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