New Life (1827)

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(: Not in line with the show at all :)

Aziraphale and Crowley both happened to be in Edinburgh and Crowley wanted the angel to go with him to a graveyard at night. Crowley had found a depressingly accurate statue of the Archangel Gabriel.

"Its defiantly Gabriel, do you think he knows?" asked the angel

"Probably comes here to stare at it"

"Probably, you know how vain he is"

Crowley laughed a little and the angel joined in.

"Its been a long time since I've seen you laugh Crowley"

Crowley looked at the angel and smiled "Yeah well things have been a little hard lately"

"Hard how?"

"Bit of a depressive episode, but I'm good now"

"Crowley I thought we made a promise?"

"I didn't get into any physical danger, this was more mental"


"I know I know but I....I don't like asking you for stuff"

"Well get used to it"

"Do you think this will last?" asked the demon reaching to his upper left arm.

"I hope not, I would like you to have your free will back, although It does bring me a little comfort that you know when I need you"

"Yeah me too"

"Can I be honest with you Crowley?"

"Always angel"

"You and I have been on this planet a long time, we're friends and I've been pretending that we aren't and I'm sorry about that but I....For the last couple of years I've been having.....feelings"


"Yes and I know that I'm most likely alone in this but I just had to tell you, It was driving me mad keeping it in"

"You're not"

"Not what?"

Crowley took his hand and smiled "Alone, I've been feeling it too"

"You have? Oh Crowley thats wonderful"

Crowley smiled, he was happy that his angel was happy. Is that what he was now? His Angel, He hoped and Crowley never hoped for anything before.

"How about a drink? I know I nice pub" said Aziraphale

"Sure, we do have something to celebrate now"

The next day Crowley and Aziraphale made plans to meet at the local pub at 8pm but Crowley had gotten there first and fight had broken out, A fight Crowley was now in the middle of. He was defending himself from three pretty big fellas when he felt the mark tighten but he paid it no mind as he punched one of them men and kicked another in the Jewels (You know where:)

The fight was getting quite bad but of course Crowley was getting lost in the blood shed that he hadn't realised that the angel was watching him beat the crap out of the men.


Crowley froze and looked at the door where the angel was standing. Freezing on the spot was not the best idea as Crowley caught a punch to the face and went tumbling over two tables.

The angel snapped his fingers and the fight froze as he made his way through the men and towards the demon who was lying on the floor looking very beat up.

"Do I even want to know?" he asked

"Well at least you know about it, right?"

Aziraphale sighed and turned to walk away from the demon.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry" he said attempting to get up, leaning against a table for some support.

The angel turned to face the demon with his arms crossed and a very disappointed face on.

"You're disappointed, I'm sorry angel, really I am"


"They started it, I kinda got caught up in it, I know I probably should've just left but, I got a little angry, I'm sorry"

Aziraphale sighed and assisted the demon up onto his feet and out of the pub not forgetting to unfreeze the other men in the establishment.

Aziraphale helped Crowley into the street and asked him "Do you have to stay in Edinburgh dear?"

"No, why?"

"Good then hold on"

The angel miracled them into his bookshop in London. Aziraphale assisted Crowley over to the sofa and sat him down.

"That was extremely stupid of you Crowley, please don't ever do that again"

The mark tightened, the angel had just given him a command and not even he could contradict it now, no matter how hard he tried.

The angel sighed as he had realised what he said and when he saw Crowley rubbing his upper left arm.

"I'm sorry dear I didn't mean to..."

"It's okay Angel, probably a good thing that I don't get into any more pub fights"

"I still hate commanding you to do anything"

"Not your fault, 's hers" he said nodding up towards God

"Crowley" said the angel sternly

"True Isn't"

The angel sighed and began to fix up the demon starting with the broken nose. Before the angel could do anything the demon leaned forwards and placed his hand on the angels cheek.

"Angel can I...Kiss you?"

"I would love nothing more"

Crowley smiled and leaned in, he pressed his lips to the angels as the angel hummed in response. 

"You are entirely too good at that"

"Not just me angel" smiled the demon

"Not just me angel" smiled the demon

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