New life (1793)

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Crowley was watching yet another execution when he felt it, a tightening on his arm where his mark resided. That feeling only meant one thing, his angel was in trouble and so he went about finding him. He followed the familiar feeling to the Bastille? What in all heaven was Aziraphale doing in the Bastille? He scanned the place with his power and found an angelic presence in the cells.

'For the love of someone, what the heaven did you do angel?' Thought the demon as he miracled himself into the angel's cell.


"Animals don't kill each other with clever machines angel only humans do that"

"Crowley" smiled Aziraphale as he turned to see Crowley sitting in a small alcove in the wall "Oh good Lord"

"What the duce are you doing locked up in the Bastille? I thought you were opening a bookshop?"

"I was....I got peckish"


"Well if you must know it was the crepes, can't get decent crepes anywhere but Paris"

"So you just popped across the channel, during a revolution because you wanted something to nibble on, dressed like that?"

"I have standards"

Crowley just sat there and smiled.

"How have you been?" asked the angel

"Fine, my lot sent me a commendation for outstanding job performance"

"So all this is your demonic work?!"

"No, the humans thought it up themselves, nothing to do with me. Why don't you just perform another miracle and go home?"

"I was reprimanded last month, Got a strongly worded not from Gabriel. They said I'd performed to many frivolous miracles" said the angel as he sat back down

"You're lucky I was in the area"

"I suppose I am"

Crowley smiled and chuckled a little at the scene before him.

"What's so funny?"

"Reminds me of Rome"


"One of us needing saving and not being able to save ourselves, I just find it funny that it happened twice thats all" smiled Crowley

"Do you still have it?" asked the angel

Crowley instinctively grabbed his upper left arm and looked down a little.

"I wish there was something I could do"

"Its fine" he said before he snapped his fingers and the shackles around the angels wrists dropped to the floor.

"Thank you my dear, How about lunch? My treat"

"Looking like that?"

The angel sighed and performed a miracle to change clothes with the executor who was still frozen due to Crowley's miracle.

"Hardly counts as a miracle"

Crowley snapped his fingers again and the man was unfrozen, seconds before the guards came in and took him away.

"Crowley I....How have you been really?"

"I've been fine angel"

"Crowley I worry when I don't see you for a long time"

"Angel Its only been 137 years"

"I know but..."

"Its not your job to worry about me"

Aziraphale grabbed the demons arm, his hand was right on top of the mark. "Isn't it?"


" 'Guarded by the angel of the eastern gate' remember?" said the angel who leaned his forehead on the demons.

"Hardly something I'm likely to forget"

"So have you gotten into any trouble?"

"Not lately I swear I would tell you if I had"

"Promise me that you will"

"Angel you can tell me to do anything you want, why do you want me to promise you?"

"Because I hate making you do something you don't want to, even by accident"


"Thats why I choose my words carefully when I'm around you"

"Angel you don't have to, I don't want you to worry about it every time your with me, seriously angel"

"Alright, promise me and I'll promise you"

"I promise I will tell you if I get into any scrapes"

"I promise that I will stop choosing my words so carefully around you"

" that why you're always so tense with me?"

"I suppose"

Crowley chuckled "What's for lunch?"

"What would you say to some crepes?"

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