An Angel's Wings (S)

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Aziraphale was in quite the state. He was attempting to preen his wings. They had become very itchy and sore in some places. So much that Aziraphale had quite enough and picked up his phone to call the one person who would help him.


"Hello, I was wondering if you could come over? I am in need of your help"

"Ten minutes" answered Crowley before he hung up

So the angel sat there waiting for the demon to arrive.

Crowley was still curled up in a ball on is bed in his snake form when the angel called. He'd usually be there in two minutes but he wanted to take a shower first and so he got out of bed (fully naked btw) and took a shower. After which he put on his black skinny jeans, some socks and his shoes. Crowley decided to switch it up and put on a black shirt instead of his usual t-shirt. He buttoned up his shirt and but on his jacket before he left his apartment and got into his Bentley on his way to the bookshop.

When the demon arrived he was quite confused as the bookshop was closed, it was Tuesday, it was never closed on a Tuesday. He walked in making sure to close the door behind him before venturing too far inside.

"Angel, you called?"

"Upstairs dear"

Crowley made his way up the spiral stairs and into the Angel's apartment where he saw the angel sitting on his sofa with his wings out.

"Having problems angel?"

"Very much, would you?"

Crowley chuckled and said "Sit on the floor"

Aziraphale sat on the floor in front of the sofa and Crowley walked up and sat on the sofa behind him and began to clean the angels wings.

"So why are they so dirty?"

"Its been a while since I've used them"

"That's evident"

"So how's your day been?" asked the angel not realising it was 9am

"Angel its nine in the morning, I was still in bed"

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I had no idea"

"Its alright, I need to stop sleeping in anyway" said Crowley as he pulled out some loose feathers.

"We should go to lunch, my treat for getting you up so early"

"Sounds good angel"

Aziraphale sat there feeling the demons hands work away through his wings, he could sit there all day feeling the demons fingers. Aziraphale would never admit it but he rather liked the demon, he was always there for the angel no matter what was going on in his own life, he liked being that important to someone and he wanted to do something to show the demon how much he loved him but he was worried that he didn't feel the same about him and so he never did anything.

Crowley worked away enjoying the softness of the angels wings, he missed the feeling, it had been a while since the angel had asked for his help with his wings. Crowley noticed that Aziraphale had closed his eyes and was quietly humming away and of course he had no problem with it, he made small movements all so he could hear the angel hum in response. He too had feelings for the angel but of course would NEVER admit it to anyone, he was too closed off for that.

It had been quite some time and the demon was nearing the end of his work.

"All done angel" said the demon who stretched his arms up to the ceiling.

The angel stood up and shook is wings which had never looked better.

"Oh they look marvellous Crowley, thank you" he said putting his wings away.

Aziraphale could feel something which gave him hope, he felt love flowing out of the demon.

"You dropped your wall my dear" said Aziraphale, with a blush, as he sat next to the demon on the sofa.

Suddenly the feeling was gone, Crowley had put the wall back up and was now feeling quite embarrassed. Aziraphale put his hand on the demons cheek and moved his head to face him.

"You feel all that....For me?"

The demon looked at the angel and said "Yeah well I..."

The demon was interrupted when the angels soft lip crashed onto his in an explosion of 6,000 years of lust and passion. Crowley's hands found there way to the angels hips as the angel pushed the demon onto the couch, never breaking the kiss.

The angel began to kiss down the demons jaw and down his neck as the demon moaned away at the feeling of the angels lips, especially when he found the one particular spot on his neck which the angel lingered on when hearing the demons moans.

"Angel..." moaned Crowley

The angel defiantly left some hickeys with the way his lips were attacking the demons neck.

"How long...have you...?" Asked the demon 

"Since 1941, when you saved me" said the angel who looked the demon in the eyes.

"All this time, why didn't you say?"

"Didn't....know felt it....too" said the angel between kissing the demons neck once again.

"Angel..." Moaned Crowley once more

The angel began to unbutton the demons shirt and kiss down his chest, each kiss drove the demon to almost complete madness. He could only imagine how he would feel if they went for it which the angel seemed to want, not that Crowley didn't of course.

But you'll have to use your imagination for that I'm afraid. :) sorry not sorry

 :) sorry not sorry

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