Sub and Dom Part 1

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Not sure how many parts I'll do but here's No' 1

Crowley had showed up at the bookshop to see Aziraphale, they had been spending more time together since Armageddon. He walked in, after parking the Bentley perfectly, and went straight towards his couch.

"Hello my dear, are you alright?"

"M' yeah, m' fine" said Crowley

Crowley may or may not have woken up on the edge of subspace. He had tried everything to get away from it but failed miserably and so he went to the one place he always felt safe. The bookshop.

"Forgive me but you don't seem fine"

"Jussst a little tired" he said lying down on the couch and crossing his arms to simulate a hug.

"...and not you're hissing your words, something is wrong"

"Angel just leave it will you?" said the demon

Aziraphale got up from his seat and walked over to the couch and knelt beside the demons head, Crowley watched him the entire time.

"Please tell what's wrong my love?" asked the angel who placed his hand on the demons cheek.

Crowley, who was too far under to care, whined at the contact. Aziraphale was a little shocked at the demons noise but he seemed to understand.

"Lift your head for me love"

Crowley obeyed and lifted his head and the angel sat on the couch, he patted his thigh and Crowley lay back down putting his head on the angels thigh, he wiggled a bit to get comfortable.


"Loads thanks"

"I've noticed that you tend to get a bit needy and clingy sometimes and before I say something wrong I need to know, is there something wrong?"


"Alright then, I think you're in what's called subspace, do you know what that is?"

"Yea" replied the demon as he leaned into the angels hands currently carding through his hair.

"Is that what this is? If it is I would be happy to help"


Sensing the demons hesitation he asked "Would you like me to ask you less complicated questions?"

Crowley nodded his head

"Is this the first time you've been here in this state?"

Crowley shook his head

"You come here every time?"

Crowley nodded

"Well I'm glad you feel you can trust me enough to be here when you're vulnerable" "I'm going need more than nods and shakes for the next part, alright?"


"Good boy" said Aziraphale as he placed his other hand on the demons chest

Crowley hummed when the angel said that, he felt warm like he was lying under the warmest of the suns rays.

"You like it when I call you that?"

"Yeah, feelsss.....fuzzy"

"Thank you for telling me" "Well those who experience subspace usually have someone who helps to regulate them, called a Dom, I'm guessing you don't have one?"

"No, humanssss...ssshort livesss"

"That is quite true my dear, well If you would like I could be your Dom, if you like, no pressure"

Crowley sat up and moved his long limbs so that he was sitting looking at the angel with his legs crossed "You would do that....for me"

"In case you haven't noticed my love, I do love you very much and I like taking care of you"

Crowley's slitted pupils went wide as he finally felt properly and definitely safe. The demon wrapped his arms around the angels shoulders, leaning his head on the angels shoulder.

Aziraphale noticed the demon moving his long legs a few times, due to the fact he was uncomfortable, and so he lay them across his lap and placed one of his hands on the demons thigh.

"Now, Is this something you want in the bedroom?"

Crowley shook his head

"You're doing so well for me dearest" he said lightly scratching the back of the demons neck where his hair was shortest. "Is this something you want all the time or just sometimes?"


"Now it doesn't apply to me but does the punishment part apply to you, is that something you want?"

Crowley shook his head

"Thank you for telling me my dear, I'm very proud of you, you did very well"

"You did most of the work ang'l"

"But you cooperated, you didn't have to...why don't you go make me a hot chocolate and we can sit here and cuddle, does that sound nice?"

Crowley nodded and got up to make the hot chocolate.

When he came back his placed the cup on the coffee table and sat back on the angels lap, he was happy and safe as he always knew he would be with Aziraphale but still now he was also content, Aziraphale knowing what was happening with him made him feel even more safe and fuzzy.

Aziraphale tasted the hot chocolate and smiled "Beautiful my dear"

Crowley smiled as he hid his head in the angles neck.

"Feeling sleepy?"

"Lil' bit"

"Sleep my love, I'll be here when you wake up"

Crowley fell asleep and was completely content and slept more peacefully that he had in years.

Crowley fell asleep and was completely content and slept more peacefully that he had in years

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