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Crowley shot up in bed, hyperventilating. He had the most horrific dream and he was startled to say the least. He looked to the right of him and saw his angel sleeping soundly, he kissed him on the temple and got out of bed, he left the bedroom and walked into his office and sat at his desk. 

Crowley had no idea how long he sat there looking out of the window across the room before Aziraphale walked in.

"How long have you been awake?" asked the angel leaning against the wall in the doorway.

"Hmm?" mumbled Crowley as he looked at his angel "I don't know"

Aziraphale walked over to him and started rubbing his shoulders, Crowley leaned his head on one of the angels hands and sighed.

"That's nice"

"Come back to bed"


Aziraphale took Crowley's hand and they walked into the bedroom and laid down beside each other. Crowley laid his head on Aziraphale's chest and listened to his heart it was calming for him.

After about ten minutes of listening to the angels heartbeat the demon fell asleep and drift off into a dream that would soon prove just as horrifying as the last.

The second time Crowley woke up he got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen and brewed a pot of coffee, he took and cup and the pot with him to his office. He put the cup and the pot on the desk and sat down. He opened  the drawer in his desk and took out his sketchbook and decided to draw to pass the time. He flicked through the book looking at his past drawings and he lingered on one of Aziraphale.

(Not mine)

Crowley flicked past it and found a blank page, he drew what he saw in his dream so the picture turned out to be quite scary

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Crowley flicked past it and found a blank page, he drew what he saw in his dream so the picture turned out to be quite scary.                    (not mine)

"Are those the gates of hell?"

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"Are those the gates of hell?"

Crowley jumped at the voice, he looked over his shoulder to see the angel watching him draw.



"What's up?" asked Crowley going back to his drawing

"How long have you been awake?" asked Aziraphale who knelt down beside Crowley

Crowley looked at the angel who was sporting his concerned look.

"A few hours"

"I'm worried about you Crowley"

"I'm fine Angel, I just have trouble sleeping, always have"

"You have insomnia?"

"Yep and I am very talented on running on a few hours sleep so don't worry about me"

"I always worry about you Crowley"

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