Gymnastics (S)

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I'm sorry for this:)    NOT;)

Aziraphale was staying with Crowley and was learning quite a lot about the demon, for example Crowley can cook as well as any professional chef. Crowley could also draw possibly better than DaVinci.

Aziraphale was making himself a cup of tea when he heard a loud bang which startled him and so he went looking for the source. He looked in almost every room until he came across one he hadn't seen before, the Angel poked his head in the door and saw Crowley standing before three bars which were different heights. He wore some black gym shorts and he had tape around his hands.

Aziraphale watched as Crowley flipped and twisted in all kinds of ways before he let go of the bar and flipped a few times before landing on his feet.

Aziraphale clapped as Crowley turned to see the angel standing there watching him.

"That was very impressive"

"Angel I didn't see you"

"I heard I loud bang"

"Oh that was me, I fell trying out a new flip" said Crowley unwrapping his hands and walking towards a sofa and taking a drink from his bottle.

"Oh my, Are you alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine, backs a little sore that's all"

"Let me see"

Crowley looked at Aziraphale and raised his eyebrow before the angel made 'the face' and he gave in and turned away from the angel. Aziraphale put both his hands on Crowley's back and he flinched a little.

"Sorry my dear"

"No its...Your hands are warm and I'm cold"

Aziraphale smiled a little whilst he healed Crowley's back.

"You bruised your back my dear, It must've been quite painful"

"I've had worse"

Aziraphale was a little shocked at Crowley's answer.

Crowley turned to face Aziraphale and he took his hands and looked into the angel's eyes. They stared at each other before the angel leaned in and kissed the demon. Crowley pulled away and looked at the angel.

"That was....New"

"And long overdue" smiled the angel

Crowley stood up and turned away from the angel

"Look angel I'm not good with..."

Aziraphale turned Crowley to face him and kissed him again. Crowley's hands ended up on Aziraphale's hips whilst the angel's hands found their way round the demons neck.

Aziraphale manoeuvred the demon against the wall and continued to kiss him. After a few minutes the angel pulled away and leaned his forehead on Crowley's.

"Well you're good at that" said the angel with a smile

The demon smiled and said "You're not so bad yourself"

"Shall we go somewhere more comfortable?"

"Lets" replied Crowley

Aziraphale grabbed Crowley's hand and dragged him out of the room and towards his bedroom. The angel pushed open the door and kissed the demon whilst walking towards the bed, Crowley's legs hit the bed and he fell back onto the bed. The angel maintained the kiss as the demon fell and crawled on top of the bed over top of the demon as he propped himself up on his elbows. 

Aziraphale began trailing kisses down Crowley's jaw and followed onto his neck, the demon arched his back and moaned as the angel found the sweet spot on the demons neck.

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