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Aziraphale was in his bookshop looking at some maps he had recently bought. Everyone told him that his quest was pointless that he should give up, but he knew that he was out there somewhere, he just needed someone to find him and bring him home.

Three men walked into the seemingly normal bookshop, Aziraphale could sense at least one of them was an angel and so he got up from his desk and greeted his visitors.

"Hello there"


"Ah Castiel how are you dear boy?"

"I'm fine these are the..."

"The Winchester brothers, a true pleasure to meet you both, what can I do for you?"

"We're looking for a demon, we were told you were the angel to ask" said Sam

"Does this demon have a name?" asked Aziraphale as he turned towards his maps.

"Crowley" stated Dean

Aziraphale froze on the spot, why would they be looking for Crowley? Aziraphale turned to face the men with a worried look.

"I am looking for him too, I have been for two hundred years"

"Why?" asked Castiel

"Because he's my friend and he's missing" said Aziraphale who walked over to his bookshelf and took out a book on demons, he placed the book in front of the men and opened it to the section about Crowley.

"You are friends with a demon?" questioned Sam who took a look at the book.

"Yes, he went missing about two hundred and twenty years ago, I have been looking for him since"

"You have any theories?" asked Sam

"My first thought was that hell took him but my contact down there says they are just as confused as I am. I used to be able to sense him wherever he was but I haven't felt him since he disappeared" said Aziraphale with a sad look on his face

"You miss him?" questioned Sam

The angel looked up at the Winchester and said "Very much"

"Then we'll just have to find him then won't we?" said Dean with enthusiasm "Where did you last see him?"

"At his manor just outside London, but that was two centuries ago"

"Still there might be something there, lets go"

The two angels and the Winchesters stood before the beautiful and dark manor. They walked in and instantly felt something was off.

"Something here feels weird?" said Castiel

"I agree, it feels...blessed?"

"Blessed, I thought this was a demons house?" asked Dean

"Exactly, some holy man has blessed the ground on which it stands" explained Aziraphale

"Why would someone do that?" asked Sam

"I haven't the faintest idea Samuel"

The four walked around a bit before Aziraphale stumbled upon a portrait of Crowley and became a little emotional.

"Are you okay?" asked Castiel who walked up to the angel.

"I will be when we find him" he replied not taking his eyes off the portrait.

"Guys I found something!" shouted Sam from the kitchen

Dean, Castiel and Aziraphale came running, they found Sam kneeling down looking at something on the floor.

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