Midnight Texas Crossover

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Crowley and Aziraphale had both heard of the return of Theophilus and were both worried but then word came about his death and of course both were curious and both were looking for a change and so Aziraphale packed up his book shop and Crowley packed up his flat and they moved to Midnight, Texas, the supernatural capitol of the world. Of course they had procured a house to live in, it appeared as if by miracle one day.

Crowley was currently driving the Bentley down the only road that led to Midnight whilst Aziraphale was asleep with his head on Crowley's shoulder.

"Angel wake up we're here" said Crowley as he passed the sign that said Midnight was in half a mile.

The angle woke up groggily and looked out the window and could feel the energy in the area.

"Woah this place feels..."



"I can feel it too, I feel stronger somehow" 

Crowley had driven into the quiet town and parked in front of their new home, it would be the first time that both Crowley and Aziraphale would be living together.

"Are you sure about this Angel?" said Crowley stepping out of the car and looking up at the light grey coloured house with black window trims. Their new home.

"Aren't you?" said Aziraphale who opened the trunk.

"I just...I've never lived with anyone before, I don't know what its like"

"Well neither have I, we'll figure it out, together" said the angel who walked up to the demon and took his hand looking at the house with him.

They looked at each other and smiled.

"You're right, as long as I have you, I'm okay" said Crowley who kissed the angels cheek.

Aziraphale dragged Crowley to the trunk of the car and handed him one of the boxes and then took one himself, they walked up the path to the front door. Crowley took out his keys and opened the door.

"Oh my, its quite beautiful dear, isn't it?" said the angel putting his box on the kitchen counter which was to his left.

"I suppose, its not too lightly coloured..." said Crowley putting his box on the floor near the light grey sofa on his right.

"And its not too darkly coloured, its precisely us" smiled the angel

Aziraphale walked up to Crowley and snaked his arms around his neck whilst the demon did the same with the angels waist.

"I'm really happy we're finally doing this" said the angel

"Me too" said the demon who kissed his fiancé 

The angel wanted the moment to last forever but alas it had to end.

"We need to get the boxes from the car Angel" said Crowley who pulled away.

"I know, I just love kissing you" 

Crowley chuckled and walked out and down the path and towards the car.

"Hey there"

Crowley turned to see a blonde haired women who looked quite tough.


"You...uh movin' in?" asked Olivia looking towards the house.


"I'm Olivia by the way and you are?"

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