Demons and Winchesters

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Crowley was bored, he had been bored for two whole days and it was driving him crazy so he decided to see what was going on down under in hell. He opened a portal and stepped through, he appeared in the dark, dirty hallways of hell. He walked around for a while before he heard someone screaming, he followed the screams but he was not prepared for what he saw, more specifically who he saw, his Angel, Aziraphale.

The demons had captured Aziraphale and they were torturing him for information about heaven and knowing heaven they angels were not interested in helping him, so Crowley decided to help him, they were friends after all.

Crowley waited until the demons went on a break and took his chance. He snuck round the corner and walked over to the Angel.


"Shhh, don't talk, just stay quiet" said the demon who started untying the angel.

Crowley took one of the angels hands and draped it over his shoulder and unfurled his wings and wrapped them around his friend and began his journey towards the portal he created.

When Crowley arrived at the portal he saw three men he never thought he would see in Hell, Sam and Dean Winchester along with their Angel Castiel.


"Hey Cas, good to see ya"

"What are you doing?"

"Rescuing my angel friend, what's it look like?"


"Castiel, good to see you dear boy"


"Time to go" said Crowley as he walked towards the exit.

Castiel took Aziraphale's other arm and put it over his shoulder, Crowley and Castiel took Aziraphale out of hell whilst Sam and Dean watched their backs. Crowley walked through the portal, they came out the other side seven thousand feet in the air.

Crowley saw that Castiel had Sam and Dean in his arms and they were flying down to earth, but Aziraphale was still falling and Crowley knew he had no energy to open his wings. Crowley tucked his wings away and went into a nose dive after Aziraphale. He made his way over to Aziraphale and grabbed his hand, he unfurled his wings and tried to slow down but he was having a hard time trying to catch the wind, so his body and Aziraphale's rolled around in the wind, but Crowley finally caught the wind and slowed them down a bit.

Crowley wrapped his body around Aziraphale and flew down to earth safely. Castiel landed on the roof of a building before Crowley, well crashed would be the word. He was carrying too much weight to land so he wrapped his wings around both him and Aziraphale and crash rolled onto the roof of the same building.

"Crowley!" exclaimed Castiel as he ran over to the cluster of black wings.

Crowley rolled over and revealed his angel friend lying on top of his right wing.

"Please get him off me"

Castiel took Aziraphale's hand and helped him up, he handed him off to Sam who put the Angel's arm over his shoulder, Castiel took Crowley's hand and helped him up.

"What happened?"

"Aziraphale was a distraction to me...Are you guys alright?" asked Crowley who put his wings away.

"We're fine" said Dean

"Are you alright Crowley?" asked Aziraphale

"I'm fine Angel, A little sore...Come on"

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