Demon saving an Angel

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Crowley was having a bad day, he hadn't seen or heard from Aziraphale in days and he was worrying.

He had tried to find him using the usual channels but he came up with nothing and he was getting very worried.

He was pacing his living room thinking about the worse case scenario, that's what he did, he always thought the worst and that was one of the things Aziraphale was trying to change, trying to get Crowley to look on the brighter side of things.

Crowley was about to storm the gates of Heaven itself looking for his friend when three men appeared in his flat, these men were battered and bruised, they had clearly come from battle.

"Crowley" said the black haired man in the tan trench coat.

"Castiel? how....woah I got you" said Crowley as he caught Castiel who had fallen into Crowley's arms.

Crowley led Castiel and the other two men towards his couch.

"What happened to you old friend?" 

"Demons happened" said the taller man with the longer hair

"They attacked us, they were looking for an angel with a weird name" said the other man

Castiel sat up and looked Crowley in the eyes, which were covered by his sunglasses.

"They are looking for Aziraphale"

Crowley's face went pale, he stood up and walked over to his floor to ceiling window, he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He turned around to face the guys.

"You brought us to a demon Cas?" said the shorter man

"And he brought me Winchesters, we're both at risk here Dean" said Crowley

"Where is Aziraphale Crowley?" asked Castiel

Crowley sighed and said "I don't know, we...had a fight, he walked out"

"We have to find him, the demons are looking for him"

"I've been looking for him for days Cas"

"Perhaps he knows where you'd look, he is the only one who truly knows you, he knows how to hide from you" said Castiel

"Then you find him Cas, please" pleaded Crowley

"I will" Castiel disappeared leaving the Winchesters with Crowley.

"Make yourselves at home" said Crowley as he walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out two beers.

He walked up to Sam and Dean and handed them each a beer.

"Thanks" said Sam

Crowley walked over to the window and looked out over London, the home that the Angel and Demon had shared for decades.

"You're worried about him, aren't you?"

Crowley hesitated before he answered "I disappointed him, he put his faith in me and I let him down. We have been friends for centuries, he should've known I couldn't do what he asked me"

"What did he ask you?" Asked Sam

"Yes Crowley tell us"

The three men turned to see a group of demons standing behind them.

"Shit" said the three men in unison

An hour later.

Crowley, Sam and Dean had been captured and taken to see the current King of Hell, Asmodeus.

Crowley was tied to a chair in the middle of a devil trap whilst the Winchesters were tied to two pillars in the room.

Asmodeus had been torturing Crowley to reveal the location of his Angel friends.

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