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Crowley and Aziraphale were dinning at the Ritz when a man sat down next to the demon.

"We need to talk" said the mystery man

"What are you doing here?" asked Crowley

The man nodded behind them, Crowley looked over his shoulder to see a man standing there in a cardigan and slacks. The man waved at Crowley and smiled, Crowley looked back at the man in the tailored suit.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I wish I was brother"

"Brother?" questioned Aziraphale

"Long story" said the demon

The man in the cardigan and slacks came over and sat down at the table.

"Hello Raphael"

"DON'T call me that" exclaimed Crowley as he got up and left the restaurant.

Crowley walked across the road, to the park and sat on a bench.

"So you're..." said Aziraphale who sat down next to him

"In another life"

"And that was...?"

"God and Lucifer, my brother"

"You should talk to him"

"Excuse me? After everything Heaven has done to us, you want me to talk to him?"

"Just hear what he has to say, if you want to walk away then walk away"

Crowley looked over his shoulder to see God and Lucifer standing there. He sighed and looked back at his Angel.

"Why do I listen to you?"

"Because I'm right" he said getting up "Bookshop later?"


Aziraphale walked away and God sat next to Crowley.

"I did not mean to upset you Raphael"

"My name is not Raphael...Not anymore"

"You will always be Raphael to me...My star creator"

"Don't...Just don't"

"You made such beautiful things son"

"I am not your son! Not anymore!"

Crowley got up to leave but God grabbed his shoulder. 


"Why?" replied the demon who turned around to face his father.

"I am dying and I want to make things right with my children"

"How can you be dying?"

"Everybody dies son, even me"

"If you want to make things right, do something about Gabriel, he's a prick and a nutcase"

"I am aware" he said with a sigh

"You knew...did you know what he was going to do to Aziraphale?"


Crowley punched god in the face "I hope you rot in hell!" Crowley walked away, he walked past lucifer who had a smile on his face.

Crowley walked in to the bookshop and screamed.

"What's wrong dear?" said a worried Aziraphale

"I punched him...I punched god"

"Oh my"

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