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Slight Smut

Aziraphale was in the bookshop, he had just got in a new order of books and he was putting them away in their respective places. A few of which had to be put of the top shelf and so the angel got out his steps and placed them firmly on the ground and climbed up, he was quite confident but was startled when the bell rang and he lost his balance and fell.

The angel expected to land on the hard floor but he didn't, he landed on something soft, he opened his eyes and what he saw was not what he expected or rather who.


"Hey angel, you alright?"

"What are you?...How did you?..."

"I startled you and you fell, so it seemed only fitting I catch you" smiled the demon

"Oh well then Thank you" said the angel who still hadn't moved, he suddenly began very aware of how close his face was to Crowley's and the fact the demon's cheeks were becoming red.

Aziraphale noticed that Crowley was glancing down at the angels lips and then back at him. The angel became very hot and he could feel himself begin to blush.

"Angel I..."

Aziraphale couldn't take it anymore and leaned down and kissed the demon, what he didn't expect was the demon to kiss him back. The kiss lasted a few very good seconds before the angel pulled away.

"Its about bloody time!" 

Both Aziraphale and Crowley looked towards the door to see Maggie and Nina standing there watching them with their arms crossed, eyebrows raised and big smiles plastered on their faces.

The angel and the demon stood up as fast as they possibly could.

Maggie squealed before she began to clap her hands together "Finally" she exclaimed

"Are you confused dear?" asked Aziraphale

"Very" answered the demon

"You two have been dancing around each other for months, possibly years and now something has finally happened, we're just happy for you"

Crowley stared blankly at them "Yep still confused"

"Oh my god, you love each other, don't even say you don't because we humans of earth are very perceptive" explained Nina

"That's impossible we don't...I mean..." stuttered Crowley who looked at the angel

"Exactly we could never...." said Aziraphale who looked at Crowley

"We'll leave you two to talk" said Nina who had to drag Maggie out of the store.

Aziraphale picked up the books he dropped when he fell and turned away from Crowley.

"Is it true Angel?"

"I....I don't know what you mean"

"Angel....Aziraphale you...kissed me" said Crowley getting serious by using the angels name.

"Yes I did"

"So are Maggie and Nina right? Is there something here?"

"Oh you really are an idiot" said Aziraphale before he put the books on a random shelf and walked up to the demon grabbing his coat by the collar and pulling him in for a passionate kiss.

Crowley was shocked a little before he eased into it and put his hands on the angel's hips and began to kiss Aziraphale back. The kiss was amazing, both Crowley's and Aziraphale's tongues were fighting for dominance but of course the power of heaven won that round.

Aziraphale pushed Crowley up against one of the pillars of the store and continued to kiss him, his hands were tangled in the demons fire red hair.

They pulled away from each other and leaned their foreheads together.

"Angel I..."

"I love you too Crowley"

"I love you too Crowley"

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