The Return

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It had been many years since Crowley had seen Aziraphale. He had spent months missing the angel to the point that he had considered walking into a church and putting his hand in..... No he couldn't think about that anymore, he had to keep going even though it was hard. 

He had tried so many things to forget the pain, alcohol, drugs and even moving out of the city but none really worked that was until he finally found some peace in a cottage by the sea in the south downs. He had moved out of his car and into the house which was perfect for him.

It had a great big garden for his plants and a most beautiful view to which he flew across many times during the week just to clear his mind.

It was one of these flights that he was returning from when he felt his wards being disturbed, he landed on the ground and tucked his wings away walking towards the disturbance and what he saw broke his heart.

His angel. Aziraphale was lying on the ground all bloodied up, the thought of leaving him there crossed the demons mind but it quickly vanished, Aziraphale wouldn't leave him so he wouldn't leave Aziraphale no matter how angry he was. 

Crowley made a hole in his wards and lifted the angel up and through them, closing them behind him. Crowley carried the angel through the front door and through the house, he placed the angel on his bed and just stood there staring at him. He couldn't believe that he was looking at him, that he was there at all.

Crowley snapped out of his trance and went into his bathroom and put some water in a bowl and took the softest towel he could find. He walked back into the bedroom and sat down on a chair next to the angel. The demon begun to clean up the angel not caring that his hands were quickly becoming gold with his friends blood. 

It took a while before the angel looked even half presentable, Crowley was exhausted, he wiped his brow not caring that he now had a line of blood on his forehead. Crowley was startled when the angel woke up and grabbed his hand looking absolutely terrified.

"They're coming" he said before passing out.

Crowley ran outside as he felt his wards being challenged, he opened the front door to see both Michael and Uriel standing just beyond the wards.

"Hand him over demon!" shouted Michael

Crowley walked up to them cautiously, his hands still clarted in blood.

"What did you do to him?"

"He went against heaven, we did what we had to"

"I suggest you leave, now" said Crowley as he turned to walk away

"He deserved what he got" said Uriel

Crowley stilled, he turned to face them with one hell of an angry face, his eyes begun glow as the anger took hold of him. The wards around the property fell and Crowley begun to float as winds of power floated around him.


Crowley lifted his hand and snapped his fingers and destroyed both the archangels, not discorporated, destroyed. 

The demon stopped when he realised what he had just done, he had killed two of his old siblings. Crowley landed back on his feet and stilled for a moment mourning them, even if he did hate them, they were still his family once.

Crowley composed himself and began his walk back to the house raising his wards to protect his angel.

He walked back into the house and into the bedroom to see Aziraphale still lying there past out. Crowley noticed that his hands were still covered in the angels golden blood and so his walked into the bathroom and rolled up his dark red shirt sleeves, which also revealed his old track marks, the glanced at them and sighed before running the hot water and cleaning his hands.

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