Vampire Crowley

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Long one: 1372 words :)     Slight and I mean slight Smut

Warnings: Blood, Death, Abuse

Crowley had gone for a walk in the middle of the night and ended up at the graveyard. He was sitting, well leaning against a grave just soaking in the night. He looked up at the stars and smiled but he snapped his head towards the sound of a beating heart that was heading towards him. You see Crowley was the type of demon who needed blood to sustain himself and it was a quality he disliked about himself but it was necessary.

Crowley hissed under his breath, he recognised the scent of the person, it was his angel, Aziraphale.

"Crowley what are you doing here?" asked the angel who walked up behind the demon

"Just admiring the peace and quiet" answered Crowley who became very aware of the angels heartbeat and the smell of blood about him.

Crowley turned to face the angel with a concerned look on his face.

"You're bleeding"

"How did you...? Yes I cut myself with my letter opener, How did you know?"

"I can....smell it" mumbled Crowley

"I'm sorry my dear?" questioned Aziraphale

"What do you know about Oni demons?"

"Oni demons are powerful demons that need to consume the blood of others to survive, why do you ask?"

Crowley turned away from the angel and sighed

"You are an Oni Demon?"

Crowley sighed again, the angel knew and he would most likely hate him.

Aziraphale walked up to Crowley and put his hand on the demons shoulder and turned him around, the demon didn't look at the angel. However the angel put his hand on the demons cheek, the demon looked up at his angel.

"You're ashamed?" realised Aziraphale

"I never wanted you to know, I figured to think me a monster, I don't think I could take that"

"You are not a monster Crowley, you do what you have to to survive, you are still a..."

The demon glared at the angel.

"A good person"

The demon sighed but his attention was diverted to a heartbeat across the graveyard.

"Someone's here"

"How do you know?"

The demon looked back at the angel and said "The same way I knew you were here, I can hear their heart beating"

"Lets go Crowley" said Aziraphale who took the demons hand and pulled him away.

Crowley disengaged his senses from the other heartbeat and followed the angel, which was quite the task.

Aziraphale kept an eye on Crowley the entire walk back to the bookshop as they past many people on the street all of which Crowley was having a hard time ignoring.

They walked inside and Crowley leaned against one of the bookshelves.

"Are you alright dear?" asked the angel who pulled down the blinds on the doors.

"Yeah, walking past all those people was hard"

"How long has it been since you fed?"

"Two days or so"

"How long before you cant...?"

"Can't what Angel? Control myself?"

"Crowley I am merely worried about you"

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