Bus Ride Home

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Armageddon had been avoided and Crowley and Aziraphale were free, free to do what ever they wanted. They were sitting on a bench waiting for the bus to come and take them back to London. Crowley was exhausted and the Angel had begun to notice. The bus arrived and the pair got on, Crowley sat next to the window as Aziraphale sat next to him.

Crowley sighed and leaned his head on the window and closed his eyes.

"That can't be comfortable my dear"

"I'm to tired to care right now Angel"

"Come here" said the angel who put his hand round the demons back and guided him towards himself.

The demon rested his head on the angels shoulder and was completely comfortable in that moment.

"Sleep dear, I'll look for our stop"

Crowley fell asleep instantly and the angel looked out for London specifically the stop closest to the demons flat.

Hours later and demon was awakened by the angel shaking him awake.

"Wake up dear we're here"

The bus stopped and both Crowley and Aziraphale got off and began their walk towards the demons flat but of course it wasn't that easy. Crowley stopped and leaned against a wall, he was exhausted, it was hard to keep going.

"Crowley my dear are you alright?"

"Angel I....I can't"

"We're almost there dear, just a little further" said the angel who helped the demon off of the support of the wall and began walking holding up the demon.

They walked into the apartment building and into the elevator.

"What floor my dear?" asked the angel


The angel pushed the 6th floor button and the doors closed.

"We're almost there Crowley"

The elevator arrived and Aziraphale helped Crowley out and towards the door. Crowley leaned against his doorframe and took out his keys, he opened the door and walked inside swaying a bit as he did.

"Right where is your bedroom?" asked the angel

"That way" mumbled the demon who pointed towards the hallway off to the right.

The angel helped the demon down the hallway and into his room, once he found it. The demon got into bed without taking his clothes off, he was too tired. The angel however wouldn't let him sleep like that and so he took off the demons shoes, he didn't want him getting sores. He tucked the now sleeping demon into bed and left the room leaving him to sleep. 

The next morning the demon woke up having no idea how he had gotten into bed or where his shoes were, he sat up and stretched a little, he stood up and walked out of the room, as he did he could smell...Pancakes?

The demon walked into the main room, which had the kitchen, dinning and living room in it and saw the angel cooking pancakes in the kitchen.


Aziraphale looked up to see the demon who was a mess, his hair, his clothes all a mess, but he looked utterly perfect to the Angel in that moment.

"Good morning Crowley, I didn't expect you to wake up so soon"

"How long was I sleeping?"

"Two days"


"You were exhausted after Armageddon, you could barely walk so I honestly thought you'd sleep longer but still, how do you feel?"

"Like I got hit by a truck"

The angel chuckled a little at his response.

"Eat, you'll feel better, trust me"

The demon sat down and took a bite out of one of the Angels pancakes and they were heaven.

"Where did you learn to cook?" asked the demon

"Paris 1964"

"They are amazing Angel"

"I'm glad you like them and thank you for letting me stay"

"Its no trouble, its nice having a roommate"

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