Vampire Crowley II

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Crowley woke up in his bed with nothing but a bad headache and some black Silk PJ bottoms. Crowley groaned as he sat up and looked at his bedside clock, it read 11:47.

"Shit I really slept in"

He stood up and felt a little dizzy as the memories of the pervious night came rushing back to him. Crowley had tears in his eyes as he remembered what he had done and what the Angel had seen. He never wanted Aziraphale to see him like that.

Then he got confused because he didn't remember returning to his flat let alone getting into bed and so he opened the door and walked through his flat and into the main room where he saw the angel in the kitchen.


Aziraphale turned and saw the state Crowley was in, his hair was ruffled and he had a few bruises on his chest.

"Good morning dear, how do you feel?" he asked

"Like I got hit by a truck" replied the demon as he sat down on the sofa.

Aziraphale sat down next to the demon who had leaned his head back.

"Do you remember what happened last night?" asked the angel

Crowley turned his head to look at Aziraphale and put his hand on the angels neck, he ran his fingers across the two holes on the angels neck, the ones the demons teeth had made.

"Some of it...I'm sorry Angel"

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault" said the angel who took the demons hand from his neck and took it in his own hand.

"Did we....Did we kiss?" asked the demon

The angels cheeks went bright red and the demons question.

"I'll take that as a yes"

The moment was broken when Crowley's attention was taken by a heartbeat that had just gotten off the elevator on his floor.

"What is it dear?"

"Unexpected Visitor"

That minute there was loud knock at the door. Crowley stood up and walked towards the door and opened it to reveal none other than his sister, Mazikeen.

"Maze? What are you doing here?"

"I felt you lose it, are you okay?" she asked walking right in.

"Do come in" mumbled Crowley sarcastically

Mazikeen walked into the main room and took one look at Aziraphale and took out her blade and was about to go to town on him when Crowley stood in front of her and grabbed her wrist which was holding the blade.

"Maze He's a friend!"

"He's an angel!"

"Aziraphale helped me last night, I would've killed more than one person if it wasn't for him, now back off!"

Maze took another look at Aziraphale and then back at Crowley who let go of her hand when he saw that she had calmed down.

"How can you be friends with an angel?"

"We've been friends for centuries Maze" admitted Crowley

"You lied to me?"

"I never told anyone, its not exactly a normal friendship for a demon"

Maze sighed, she knew he was right.

"Why are you here anyway? I thought you were in LA" said Crowley who led Maze towards the sofa.

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