The Past Comes Calling

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Crowley had felt like he was being watched, he had been feeling it for days, ever since he and Aziraphale had saved the world. Every time he looked around he didn't see anything out of the ordinary. He honestly believed that he was losing his mind that was until the bookshop received a very familiar and demonic visitor.

Crowley was lying on the couch through the back of the shop when he heard the bell above the door, he ignored it, that was until the angel had called his name.

"Crowley could you come here a moment please?"

Crowley grumbled, he was comfy and didn't want to get up but the urgency in Aziraphale's voice overrode his comfort. He stood up, forgetting about his glasses and made his way through the store.

Crowley stopped when he saw the beautiful brunette women standing before the angel. The brown haired women in the long black dress stood there and smiled at the demon.

"Hello Crowley" she said still smiling at him.

For the first time in a long time Aziraphale saw a smile on Crowley's face. Then he watched as he practically ran towards the women and hugged her. That surprised the angel, Crowley rarely instigated touch.

"I missed you" he said into the mysterious women's hair.

"I missed you too my sneaky snake" said the women who pulled out of the hug and placed her hand on his cheek with a smile.

Crowley also smiled it had been a long time since he had been called that.

"We're being rude"

Aziraphale smiled as she looked at him.

"Right Uh, angel this is Lilith, mother of demons"

Aziraphale recognised her the second he had heard her name. 

"Of course, forgive me, it's been a very long time"

"That it has, you're looking well Aziraphale. I'm glad you're not alone up here" said Lilith looking at Crowley whilst putting her hand on his chest.

"Why are you here?" asked the demon

"Visiting my son doesn't need ulterior motives" she answered looking a him with a raised eyebrow


Lilith sighed and smiled "Very well, I need your help finding an Eric, he was summoned days ago and no one downstairs seems to care"

"Not surprised, no one likes an Eric"

"I want to find him and I was hoping you would help me?"

"Of course we will my dear" said Aziraphale

"If anyone else asked I would tell them to stick it"

"But since its me you'll help?"

"Course I'm not risking you telling Aziraphale any embarrassing stuff about me"

"Oh darling what makes you think I still won't?"

Aziraphale smiled at Lilith and said "I look forward to hearing them"

Crowley scowled at the angel and said "No you most certainly do not"

"Wait can't you transport yourself to any demon where ever they are?"

"Yes I but I'm having trouble pushing through the summons"

"Well lets combine our powers"

Aziraphale, Crowley and Lilith sat on the floor in the middle of the bookshop and held hands whilst channelling their powers to Lilith. They focused all their power on the power line that Lilith had showed them and transported their consciousness' through the connection, they ended up in an abandoned warehouse.

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