Body heat

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It was the middle of winter and Crowley was walking to the bookshop in nothing warm. His teeth were chattering and his lips were blue, he was by all accounts, frozen.

He walked in and sat in front of the fireplace, when Aziraphale came through from the back and saw the demon sitting on the floor.


Crowley didn't respond he was too cold

Aziraphale knelt beside him and saw that he was shivering.

"Crowley your freezing!"

Aziraphale wrapped his arms around Crowley who snuggled closer to the Angel, he was cold but his Angel was warm.


"Why are you so cold?"


"Ah right...would you like some cocoa?"

Crowley nodded but he didn't want Aziraphale to move he was too warm. Aziraphale started to move when Crowley stopped him.


"Of course dear"

Aziraphale miracled up some Hot chocolate and made Crowley drink some to warm up his insides.


"A...little" he was still freezing but he wasn't going to inconvenience the Angel by telling him.

"Your lying, aren't you?"


Suddenly Aziraphale and Crowley were in the Angel's bedroom, Crowley was carried onto the bed and tucked in.


"One moment"

Angel came in with loads of blankets in his hands, he unwrapped all of them and covered Crowley in them.

"Warm enough?"

"Artificial heat....need....body....heat"

Aziraphale got into the bed and the demon snuggled closer to him. The Angel unfurled his wings and wrapped them around the now sleeping demon.

"Warm Angel" muttered Crowley in his sleep

"Sleep well Crowley"

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