All Fair in Love and War

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Crowley had enlisted for the Vietnam war as his orders from Hell had told him and of course he had not told Aziraphale about it. He shipped out with the others and like the others he was nervous, sure he'd fought in wars before but they had not been active roles.

Years later the war had ended and Crowley had changed quite a bit, he had missed London and the angel very much and so he made his way through the streets of Soho, heading to the one place he knew his angel would be.

He stopped across the street from the shop and he could see the angel sitting at his desk working, Crowley sighed. He was glad to see him again, Crowley walked across the street still in his uniform and miracled the doors open and walked in.

"I'm afraid we are quite defiantly closed and I'm quite certain I locked those doors so who..."

The angel finally looked up and saw Crowley standing there with his bag over his shoulder looking at the angel with a genuine smile on his face.

"Hi Angel" said Crowley as he dropped his bag on the floor "You look...."

"Crowley you.....I don't understand"

"Hell gave me orders to enlist" said Crowley as he removed his hat and ran his hand through his hair.

"The Vietnam war, you were fighting?"

Crowley nodded

Aziraphale walked up to him and wrapped his arms around the demon, what happened next was not expected, the demon hugged him back.

"I missed you angel, I hated not being able to tell you"

"Why didn't you?" asked the angel who pulled away and cupped the demons face

"I couldn't find the words, plus you were the one person who could've stopped me from going"

"Oh Crowley" he said as he kissed the demons forehead "I missed you very much my dear"

"Same here....It was horrible over there"

"Darling you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I will be here if you do"

"Thanks, any chance you've still got that Talisker?"

The angel chuckled and said "You think I would drink it? I don't like Whiskey, I only keep it for you my dear"

Crowley chuckled and let Aziraphale lead him through the back of the shop and onto the sofa that was designated Crowley's.

"Oh how I missed this couch, slept on the ground for literal months"

The angel took out the Whiskey and a glass for Crowley. Crowley poured himself a large glass and downed it in one.

"Crowley I....There's something I should tell you"

"Oh, would happen to be the feelings you harbour?"

"Yes well.....WAIT WHAT!?"

"I can sense Lust, just like you can sense Love, I'm surprised you can't sense mine"

"Crowley I...."

"Angel I love you but with heaven and hell breathing down our necks, its not safe, I wish, I so wish we could be together in the open but we just can't" said Crowley as he took both the angel's hands "However know that I love you with all my heart, always have"

"I love you too Crowley, no matter how long I have to wait, I will wait"

"As will I, Hopefully one day" smiled the demon as he leaned his head against the angels "You mean everything to me, my angel"

"My demon, you mean the world to me and more and the next time you go off to war, tell me please"

Crowley smiled and said "Promise my love"

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