New Life

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Crowley and Aziraphale were in Rome, They were having oysters when Crowley remembered why he was in Rome at all and so they went their separate ways. Crowley had gone back to his house and taken off his fancier clothes before he headed out.

Of course he would do the most stupid of things as to not take his ring with him, he was captured by the guards and taken to the slave rooms. One of the guards recognised his eyes and put a consecrated Iron collar around his neck which blocked his miracles. They had no intention of letting him go.

Crowley was thrown into a cell, but ass naked, he sat against the far wall. The guards had taken what little clothes he had and cut off all his hair.

'Bastards all of them' he thought as he tried to pray to his angel to save him from his predicament but the iron collar blocked it.

This was four months ago.

Aziraphale was walking through the streets healing anyone and everyone he passed who needed it, that was until he heard some guards talking about a man with serpent eyes.

'The snake eyed slave is a pain, no one wants to buy him'

'Yes I wish someone would take him off the pharaohs hands'

'Oh Crowley what have you gotten yourself into?' thought the angel as he began to make his way towards the slave rooms at the palace.

The quartermaster was whipping Crowley as he was on his knees with both wrists tied to the floor. Aziraphale had walked into the large room with many slaves and noticed Crowley kneeling in the centre of the room. He winced as he heard Crowley scream out in pain. The guards were making an example out of him for the others and he seemed to be holding his own but Aziraphale knew he wouldn't last forever and so he went about trying to free him.

'Perhaps I could buy his freedom? But that would make him mine and what if he wasn't finished his work here? I can't leave him here' thought Aziraphale

"How much for him?" he asked the quartermaster

The man turned around and said "You don't want this one, he's defective, not better for anything but a good whipping"

"I asked for a price" said Aziraphale sternly

"Ten gold"

"Deal, now untie him" said the angel holding out a pouch with ten gold coins inside.

The man took the pouch and counted the coins inside before he nodded at the other two guards in the room to untie Crowley.

"Stand up, you've been bought"

The two guards helped him up and shoved him forward, Crowley landed on his knees before Aziraphale.

Crowley looked up and saw a familiar face before he looked down again. Crowley got to his feet and looked at Aziraphale who looked at the demon with worried eyes.

Crowley followed Aziraphale out the quarters and through the city when they happened upon Aziraphale's house, they went inside and the angel turned to face the demon.

"It's not as bad as it looks, trust me" mumbled Crowley

"Oh Crowley why didn't you miracle yourself out?"

"Consecrated iron" he stated pointing at the collar around his neck.

"Which blocks demonic power, oh Crowley"  "Come now lets get you sitting down you look like your going to keel over any second" said the angel who put his arm around Crowley's middle and as predicted Crowley's knees gave way under him.

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