
365 16 7

Warnings: blood, violence

This wasn't right.

None of what was happening was right. Aziraphale thought he was in some kind of nightmare but he wasn't, what he was seeing was real as awful as it was and it broke his heart.

Aziraphale had returned home to find Crowley pacing in the living room with only his black jeans on, his shirt, shoes and socks had been discarded. Aziraphale also saw an abundance of cuts all over Crowley's body, fresh cuts most of which had blood dripping from them.

"Oh Crowley, What have you done?"

Crowley didn't seem to notice that the angel had returned. The angel walked over to Crowley to try and calm him down but the second Aziraphale touched the demon he had flinched so hard he accidently hit the angel across the face.

Crowley started walking around in a frantic state. Aziraphale didn't mind getting hit as it wasn't his fault. He was getting more worried by the second especially when Crowley manifested his claws and made more cuts along his arms.

"Crowley no!" said Aziraphale as he grabbed both the demons wrists and pulled them apart "Crowley please don't, please calm down"

"No no, please I need to...I need"

"No you don't, Crowley please I need you to look at me, I need you to look at me"

Crowley struggled against the angel.


"No Crowley I won't let you hurt yourself, Crowley please its me, its Aziraphale, your safe Crowley, please come back to me"

Crowley looked at Aziraphale with wide but scared eyes.

"Crowley I know you're scared but you need to calm down, please, let me help"

Crowley still wouldn't stop struggling.

"Crowley I'm sorry" Aziraphale put his hand on the side of Crowley's face and put him to sleep "Forgive me"

Crowley fell asleep as Aziraphale caught him and picked him up. Aziraphale began to cry as he looked at the demon, he didn't want to resort to such drastic measures but Crowley was hurting himself and Aziraphale didn't want him to do something worse.

Later that day Aziraphale was sitting by the bed that he had placed the demon on. Aziraphale never left his side and he would until he woke up, which didn't take long.

Crowley stirred.


Crowley opened his eyes and turned his head to face the angel.

"How are you feeling?"

Crowley said nothing, he reached his hand up and grazed his fingers across the bruise on the side of the angels face. Aziraphale took his hand and kissed it.

"I'm okay, it wasn't your fault"

Crowley had tears in his eyes.

"Crowley listen to me, you weren't in your right mind, its okay"

"I hurt you" mumbled Crowley

"Its okay, it wasn't your fault, I need to you understand that"


"No buts, it was not your fault" said the angel as he laid down next to the demon and wrapped his arms around him "What happened my love?"

"I don't know...I don't really remember any of it" said Crowley as he lay his head on the angels chest "I'm really sorry"

"Its okay my love, just rest"

"Why do you have blood on you?"

"You used your claws to hurt yourself, I cleaned you up the best I could"

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that"

"Has it happened before?"

"Few times, I just wake up all cut up and in a wrecked room, was my own fault anyway, should've held myself together better"

"I believe thats what got us into this mess, You aren't taking care of yourself"


"Physically you may be okay but mentally, I think you're struggling, why didn't you come to me?"

"I was afraid...that if you saw how broken I really was, you'd leave"

Aziraphale sighed "I'm sorry, I promise that I will always be here for you, no matter what, I love you Crowley"

Tears flowed freely from both the angel and the demon, they hugged before the angel kissed the top of Crowley's head.

"Please come to me next time, no matter what"

"I promise" Said Crowley with a slight smile that seemed to have something behind it.

"What is it my love?"

"I always liked it when you called me that" said Crowley who snuggled closer to the angel.

"Thats what you are, you are my love and nothing or no one will ever take me away from you, you're stuck with me"

"I wouldn't have it any other way" said Crowley who began to fall asleep.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" said Crowley who began to fall asleep

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