Angry Demon

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Short one 

Crowley didn't know why he was angry but he was, actually he was furious and he had absolutely no why. He walked into the bookshop breathing heavily trying to calm himself down but of course the angel noticed that Crowley wasn't okay and so he asked him what was wrong.

"Crowley are you alright?"

"I'm fine angel"

"Clearly you are not"

"I SAID I'M FINE!!" shouted Crowley as he punched the side of one of the bookshelves.

Crowley removed his hand and walked back a little still heavily breathing until the angel wrapped his arms around the demons middle, from the back, and put his chin on his shoulder.

"Breathe darling, everything will be fine"

Crowley was a little shocked when he felt the angel's arms but he did calm a little so he leaned his head back a little and tried to breathe away his anger but it was hard, he was quite angry.

It took a few minutes before Crowley finally calmed down enough for Aziraphale to remove his arms. Crowley turned around to face the angel, who had a concerned look on his face.

"I'm sorry about your bookshelf angel" said the demon who looked at the dent he had punched into it.

Aziraphale put his hand on the demons cheek and made him look at him.

"Its quite alright my dear" he said taking the hand which was bleeding, the black blood was dripping onto the floor "Here sit"

Crowley sat down on the sofa in the shop as the angel sat next to him and took a look at his knuckles which were all scratched up.

"Must have been quite the punch my dear, also quite painful"

"Its not too bad actually"

"So why were you so angry?" asked the curious Angel

"Honestly I don't know I just was"

"Well I hope you are alright now"

"I am thanks to you"

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